
When you place your cards during the Program Phase, the orientation of the arrow dictates which direction your Pilot MUST move.

If you enter a Zone with an enemy Pilot, then you immediately start Combat (see Combat), and DO NOT perform your card’s action.

If you enter a Zone with an enemy Mine or a Turret, immediately take damage (see Getting KO'd). If you are not KO'd (Knocked Out), then destroy the Mine/Turret (return it to the owner's supply), and perform your card’s action.

If you would move in a direction “out” of the Arena (near the edge), then do not move as you are blocked by a “wall”. Although you remain still, you may perform the action on your card.

Double Jump: Move two Zones in the direction the Program Card is oriented, jumping over the first Zone, ignoring any enemies or Mines/Turrets there, and landing in the next Zone. If there is an enemy there, Combat begins and you immediately deal a Power Attack as your first attack (see Combat).

Diagonal Jump: Move diagonally one Zone in the direction the Program Card is oriented. If there is an enemy there, Combat begins and you immediately deal a Power Attack as your first attack.