Tiny Epic Mechs

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a Robot Pilot lose its Power Armor?
Robot Pilots never lose their Power Armor if KO'd,
Related Rule(s)
Does a Robot Pilot use a Power Attack if it attacks me with a Diagonal/Double Jump card?
The Robot Pilot immediately uses a Power Attack for its first attack if it jumps into your Zone using a Diagonal Jump or Double Jump.
Can a Robot Pilot counter my attacks?
The Robot Pilot uses a Power Attack each time it counters your Weapon Card with the right Weapon card, just like in multiplayer game.
Does a Robot Pilot retreat from Combat when it runs out of Weapon Cards?
The Robot Pilot never retreats. If it exhausts all of its Weapons, instead of retreating, reshuffle and reuse all its equipped Weapon Cards.
What happens if a Weapon Card used by a Robot Pilot requires a decision to be made?
Most times ignore it
If there is a decision to be made due to the Weapon’s effect, such as paying resources for extra damage, then paying the highest amount of the resource it can afford is the only decision it can make. Any other decision is ignored.
What happens when a Robot Pilot has more Weapon Cards than it can equip?
Shuffle and pick 2
While wearing Power Armor if ever more than two Advanced Weapons are in a Robot Pilot's stockpile, then shuffle all the cards and draw two cards to equip.
What happens, if a Robot Pilot needs to resolve a Power Up card, while it is in the Mighty Mech?
It Collects
Like a human player, a Robot Pilot cannot Power Up while controlling the Mighty Mech (it then Collects instead).
Can a Robot Pilot use the Mighty Mech ability?
Robot Pilots cannot use the Mighty Mech ability.
Does a Robot Pilot need to be at full health to enter the Mighty Mech?
If a Robot Pilot enters a Zone with an empty Mighty Mech, it then automatically takes control, regardless of its health.
How many Advanced Weapons can each Robot Pilot buy over the course of the game?
Each Robot Pilot can have a maximum limit of 4 Advanced Weapons in its stockpile.
Related Rule(s)
Can a Robot Pilot buy Basic Weapons?
Robot Pilots can only buy Advanced Weapons.
Related Rule(s)
How many Zones can a Robot Pilot jump over with the Diagonal/Double Jump card?
When a Robot Pilot performs a Diagonal/Double Jump, it will jump over any number of Zones, if it can reach the human player's current zone in a straight (diagonal/orthogonal) line.
Can a Robot Pilot move into a Zone with another Robot Pilot?
The Robot Pilot cannot move into a wall (out of the arena) or a Zone occupied by the other Robot Pilot. Instead the Robot Pilot turns 180° around, facing the opposite direction, and then moves forward.
Can one Robot Pilot trigger a Mine/Turret of another Robot Pilot?
The Robot Pilots can move into a Zone occupied by other Robot Pilot's Mine or Turret. The Mine/Turret does not then trigger.
Do I continue drawing Robot Pilot's Program Cards during multiple Rounds, or do I need to reshuffle all of them at the end of each Round?
At the end of every round, collect the Program Cards played by each Robot Pilot and shuffle them into the Program Card stack. Return this stack facedown to be used next round.
Related Rule(s)
Do I score points for all Weapon Cards I have purchased, including both equipped Weapons and those in my stockpile?
During final scoring, each player adds the total victory points listed on all purchased Weapon Cards whether equipped or in their stockpiles.
While in Ad Hoc Mode, can I resolve the same Program Card multiple turns in a row?
When you're in Ad Hoc Mode, you can choose ANY 1 of your 8 Program Cards on each of your turns, even if you have already used this card card on a previous turn.
Related Rule(s)
Can other players attack me on the next turn after I go into Ad Hoc Mode?
On your first turn in Ad Hoc Mode, you cannot start Combat by attacking another player, however, other players may start Combat with you.
Related Rule(s)
If I KO in combat an opponent who is in the Mighty Mech, can I enter the Mighty Mech if I'm not in Power Armor or at full health?
When a player KO's an enemy who is in the Mighty Mech while in Combat, they may immediately take control of the Mighty Mech, even if they are only in Pilot status and not at full health.
Related Rule(s)
Do I lose my Weapons when I'm KO'd?
Weapons are never lost from Combat, even if you are KO'd. They remain equipped or return to your stockpile, your choice. You must always have at least one Weapon equipped.
Related Rule(s)
Can I counter any attack by an opponent (by responding with the right Weapon type), even if this is not the 1st weapon used by the opponent in Combat?
Any time you use a Weapon which can counter the last Weapon used by your enemy in this combat, you successfully counterattack and perform the Power Attack instead of a normal attack.
Related Rule(s)
If I deal more damage to an opponent during Combat than their remaining health, do I score points for the full damage of the attack?
Damage dealt in excess of an enemy’s health does not reward victory points.
Can I choose to retreat whenever I want from Combat?
A player cannot voluntarily retreat from Combat. Combat ends when one player retreats because they have exhausted all of their Weapons, OR because a player is KO'd by losing all of their health.
Related Rule(s)
Can I leave the Mighty Mech on my turn if I choose to?
You cannot voluntarily leave the Mighty Mech once you took control of it - you must be KO'd to get out of it.
Related Rule(s)
Can I use my Pilot ability, while I'm in the Mighty Mech?
When you enter the Mighty Mech, you lose the ability listed on your Pilot card, and it is instead replaced by the Rocket Charge or Force Field ability listed on the Mighty Mech Card.
Related Rule(s)
Can I enter the Mighty Mech, if have moved into its Zone in Power Armor and afterwards healed to full health?
You must already be in Power Armor and at full health WHILE you move into the Mighty Mech's current Zone. This means that if you heal in its Zone, you must move out of the Zone and return back to enter the Mighty Mech.
Related Rule(s)
Can I enter the Mighty Mech, if I'm in Power Armor but not at full health?
You may enter the Mighty Mech, if you move into its current zone while you are in Power Armor AND at full heath.
Related Rule(s)
Can I take the Power Up action when I'm in the Mighty Mech?
You cannot Power Up (using a Power Up action has no effect), if you're in the Mighty Mech.
Related Rule(s)
Can I heal with the Power Up action while I'm in the Mighty Mech?
The Pilot and the Power Armor can heal, but the Mighty Mech cannot.
Related Rule(s)
Do I heal to full health after I upgrade to Power Armor?
When you Power Up and upgrade your pilot to Power Armor, place your Health Token to full health on the “9” space. It does not matter how much health you have as a Pilot when you upgrade.
Related Rule(s)
Can I deploy a Mine/Turret in a Zone with a Mighty Mech, which I'm not currently controlling?
If your Pilot is in the same Zone as the Mighty Mech but not controlling it, you cannot deploy a Mine/Turret there.
Can I deploy a Mine/Turret into an opponent's Base Zone?
Players may deploy a Mine/Turret into ANY unoccupied Zone, including enemy Base Zones and the Mech Zone.
How many Mines/Turrets may be deployed in a single Zone?
There can be ONLY 1 Mine OR 1 Turret in any Zone at a time.
Do I score points for dealing Mine/Turret damage to an opponent?
No, unless KO'd
Unlike Combat, you don't score any victory points for each Health lost by your opponent, but you score 1 point if your Mine/Turret KO's the opponent.
Do Mines and Turrets return to their owner's supply after they deal damage?
Usually yes
After a Mine or Turret deals damage, it is returned to their owner's supply, unless a Turret has KO'd the opponent (it is left standing in this case).
If I have already deployed all of my Mines/Turrets, can I still deploy a Mine/Turret?
If all your Mines/Turrets have already been placed, you may move any one of your Mines/Turrets (checking Mine numbers if needed) into your Zone, paying the usual deployment cost.
Can I change my equipped Weapons in the middle of a Combat?
You cannot switch Weapons you have equipped during Combat.
Related Rule(s)
Can I Purchase a Weapon, if I cannot currently equip it (because I cannot equip Advanced Weapons, for example)?
Players can purchase Weapons even if they cannot use them at their current status.
Related Rule(s)
Can I purchase multiple Weapon Cards in a single turn, if I have enough resources?
You cannot purchase more than one Weapon with a single action.
Related Rule(s)
How many Weapons can I have in my stockpile?
Players may have an unlimited number of Weapon Cards in their stockpiles.
Related Rule(s)
Can I have several Basic Weapons of the same type?
You can have a maximum of 1 of each different Basic Weapon (so 4 in total).
Related Rule(s)
If I Collect Resources and have my ITEMeeple and a Mine or Turret in the same Zone, do I gain double the resources from this Zone?
You may only collect once from each Zone per Collection action, even if both your Pilot and a Mine/Turret occupy it.
Related Rule(s)
Do I trigger anything, if I jump over a mine, a turret or an opponent's ITEMeeple?
When you move with the Double Jump or the Diagonal Jump Program Card, you ignore any enemies or Mines/Turrets in the zones you jump over.
Related Rule(s)
If I bump into a wall of the arena, can I still perform my Program Card's action?
If you would move in a direction “out” of the Arena (near the edge), then do not move as you are blocked by a “wall”. Although you remain still, you may perform the action on your card.
Related Rule(s)
If I move into an opponent's mine or turret, can I still resolve my Program Card's action?
Yes, unless KO'd
You may perform the action shown on your Program Card after receiving damage from a mine or a turret, unless you get KO'd.
Related Rule(s)
Do mines and turrets return to their owner's supply after they deal damage?
After a mine or turret deals damage, it is returned to their owner's supply, unless a turret has KO'd the opponent (it is left standing in this case).
Can I change the direction I move after I program my Program Cards?
You must move in the direction shown on your Program Cards, unless you are in Ad Hoc Mode or playing with the Pilot Card Kitty (which allows you to change the direction of your Program Card by paying 1 Energy).
Related Rule(s)
If I start combat after moving with my Program Card, can I still resolve the card's action?
If you enter a Zone with an enemy Pilot, then you immediately start Combat, and DO NOT perform your card’s action.
Related Rule(s)
Is it mandatory to resolve the action listed on my revealed Program Card?
You may skip the action shown on your revealed Program Card after moving (which is mandatory).
Related Rule(s)
Is it mandatory to move after revealing a Program Card?
You must move in the direction of the card's arrow after you reveal your Program Card.
Related Rule(s)