Tiny Epic Mechs

Deploy a Mine or a Turret


A player pays Resources to place either a Mine or Turret Token (depending on the Program Card) into their Pilot’s Zone (after movement):


Pay equal to the Zone’s listed value. Then secretly choose one of the Mines in your supply (with the number 1, 2, 3, or 4) and place it with the number face-down into your Pilot’s Zone. If you do not have at least equal to the Zone’s value, then you cannot perform this action. If all your Mines have already been placed, you may move any one of your Mines (checking Mine numbers if needed) into your Zone and still pay the deployment cost.

If an Enemy enters a Zone with your Mine: The Mine’s number is revealed and immediately deals damage to the enemy equal to the value of the Zone plus the number on the Mine. The Mine’s owner scores 1 if the enemy is KO'd. Whether the enemy is KO'd or not, return the Mine to its owner’s supply.


Pay equal to the Zone’s listed value. Then place one of your Turrets into your Pilot's Zone. If you do not have at least equal to the Zone’s value, you cannot deploy a Turret. If all your Turrets have already been placed, you may move one of your Turrets of your choice to your Zone and still pay the deployment cost.

If an Enemy enters a Zone with your Turret: Deal damage to the enemy equal to the value of the Zone. If this KO's the enemy, the Turret remains in the Zone and the Turret's owner scores 1. If the enemy survives, return the Turret to its owner’s supply.

There can be ONLY 1 Mine OR 1 Turret in any Zone at a time.

You may enter Zones with your own Mine/Turret unaffected.

If entering a Zone with an enemy Pilot and an enemy Mine, resolve the Mine first and then proceed to Combat (see Combat).

If entering a Zone with an enemy Pilot and an enemy Turret, resolve Combat first and then proceed to resolving the Turret (see Combat with a Mine/Turret).

Players may deploy a Mine/Turret into ANY unoccupied Zone, including enemy Base Zones and the Mech Zone. If your Pilot is in the same Zone as the Mighty Mech but not controlling it, you cannot deploy a Mine/Turret there.