


The S-curve describes a path around multiple rows of a grid. Automa uses the S-curve to select carving tiles for the CARVE action and to move the QueenShip around the planet grid for the EXPLORE action. It is not used to select pods in the Hibernation Comb.

WHERE TO BEGIN: For Carve, the tail of the S-curve determines where to begin counting the tiles.

● If the tail is at the top left, carving tiles will be counted beginning with the leftmost space of the top curved row.

● If the tail is at the bottom right, carving tiles will be counted beginning with the rightmost space of the bottom curved row.

FOLLOW THE PATH: Beginning from the tail, the S-curve represents the path followed to complete the action.

● For Carve, this represents the order in which the tiles will be counted.

● For Explore, the starting point is where the QueenShip is currently located and the path is how the QueenShip will travel. Note: For the QueenShip, it might be helpful to point the miniature so it is facing in the direction that the arrow is pointing.

From the starting point, follow that row in the direction of the arrow, until there are no more spaces on that row. Then, follow the path to the next row (up or down, as indicated by the S-curve icon) and continue on that row in the opposite direction.

THE PATH ENDS: If the path ever gets to a place where it can no longer continue (because there are no more rows), reverse the path and follow it back along that same row, in the opposite direction. Note: It may help to imagine removing the arrowhead of the S-curve and attaching it to the tail. You can also rotate the support card 180 degrees.