
Carve A-F


ADVANCEMENT: Gain 4 for each that you have planted for scoring.

BROOD REARING: Gain 2 per each of your active workers at the end of the game.

CLUSTER: Gain 3 for each tile that is adjacent to the Cluster. Each hex in your faction tile counts as a separate tile for purposes of the Cluster.

COLONY: Gain 14 if you have no .

COMMUNITY: Gain 6 for every set of , , , and you have in your hive. These tiles do not need to be adjacent.

DELEGATION: Gain 3 for every in your hive.

DISCOVERY: Gain 3 for each you have at the end of the game.

EDUCATION: Gain the printed on all adjacent to the Education tile. This means the on adjacent score twice (once during scoring and once during scoring).

EFFICIENCY: Gain 12 if you have no planted in your hive or at the end of the game.

EMISSARY: Gain 4 for every that is adjacent to the Emissary.

EXCHANGE: Lose 3 . You may copy a in any other hive. If the has adjacency requirements, use the Exchange as the point of reference.

EXPANSION: Gain 1 for every tile you have built in your hive ( , , , and ). Exclude your faction tile.


FOOD CHAMBER: Gain 4 for every in your hive at the end of the game.

FOUNDATION: Gain 1 for every 1 in your hive at the end of the game.