
Development A-F


APICULTURE: Choose any 3 face-up , , and/or (in any combination) and add them to a reserve near your hive mat. You may build them at any point by taking the appropriate Advance action with any strength worker. No one else may build these tiles. Do not refill the display until all tiles have been selected.

ARBORETUM: Plant up to 2 from your hand under your hive mat and/or .

BEE BREAD: Gain 4 of your choice.

BROOD CHAMBER: Gain 2 workers for free (do not pay ). They may be either strength-1 or strength-2. You may not exceed 4 active workers.

CLEANSING FLIGHT: Discard any number of from your play area. Gain 1 for each.

CROP DIVERSITY: Discard any number of from your hand to gain 2 each (you may not discard that have been planted for scoring).

CROP ROTATION: Add any 2 face-up tiles to your hive. Do not spend resources to gain them. (Do not refill the display until both tiles have been selected.)

CROSS POLLINATION: Collect income from each of your once. Cross Pollination does not combine with other abilities.

CULTIVARS: Draw 3 from the stack.

DNA SEQUENCING: Draw 2 from the stack. Then, plant up to 2 from your hand under your hive mat and/or .

DONATION: Discard up to 5 from your hive to gain 1 for each.

DRAWN COMB: Collect the benefits printed on each of your tokens one time. Drawn Comb does not combine with the Pathfinder.

EXCHANGE: Add any 2 face-up tiles to your hive. Do not spend resources to gain them. (Do not refill the display until both tiles have been selected.)

FERTILIZER: Discard up to 3 from your hive to gain 2 each. Discard any resources you are no longer able to store (you may advance up the track). Any bonuses that you uncover on your hive mat may be reactivated if a new tile is placed on them.

FLIGHT PATH: Gain any 2 from the board. Place face-up planets onto these spaces, but do not Explore the planets.