Place newly gained cards in your active row. Whenever a face-up card is gained, immediately replace it with the top card of the deck.
Move: Move your mech to another unoccupied location within range (1-3 locations).
Gather: Gain the the exposed benefits at your mech’s location.
Play: Play 1 card from your hand to your active row, gaining its core value and optionally placing a worker on it to activate its ability.
Refresh: Return all active cards to your hand and return all placed workers to your mech mat.
SOLVE(): On a location matching a quest you control, pay the cost on the quest and gain the benefit. Tuck the quest above your mech mat; the quantity of your solved quests improves end-game scoring.
UPGRADE(): Tuck an item you control to the right of your mech mat, covering the ability’s worker icon.
MELD(): Tuck a meteorite you control under your mech mat to gain the benefit on all melded meteorites (including the meteorite you just melded).
BOAST (): Place 1 glory token on a Basecamp glory category that you’ve completed. This adds to end-game scoring and improves your character/companion.
VANQUISH: Pay the cost of the top corruption on your location to gain that token. You may do this for multiple tokens in order via the same Vanquish action.