A game by Luc Rémond
Illustrations by Eric Hibbeler and Adrien Rives
• Olivier PENAUD, for his inspiration and aeronautical knowledge
• Jean-Claude PENAUD, First Officer, for sharing his experience
• Michel DÔME, for the hundreds of successful landings together
Thank you to Christian, who believed in the project, to the Scorpion Masqué team for taking such good care of it, to Arthur, Robin, Mathias, Isabelle (and Lola!), and David for the hours of playtesting and their valuable insights. And finally, thank you to everyone who came across Sky Team at festivals and conventions and agreed to take off with us.
Head of Studio: Manuel Sanchez
Development: Christian Lemay
Project Manager: Olivier Lamontagne
Art Direction and Graphic Design: Sébastien Bizos
Brand Manager: Joëlle Bouhnik
Translation and Editing: Matthew Legault
We finance the replanting of all trees used in the production of our games.
© 2023 Le Scorpion Masqué inc. The use of the artwork, the title Sky Team, the name Le Scorpion Masqué, and the logo of Le Scorpion Masqué is strictly forbidden without the written consent of Le Scorpion Masqué inc.