They call them foothills, but anywhere else they’d be called mountains. You are landing in Bhutan, on the edge of the Himalayas, at an altitude of over 7,000 feet. It’s a narrow valley. The mountains are so high and jagged...
Special Modules: Kerosene,
Special Abilities:
Your air corridor has been reduced. It is hanami, the cherry blossom festival, and the skies are packed with planes. It will take all your focus to navigate your approach.
Special Modules: Kerosene,
Special Abilities:
Arriving at the tail end of a rare South Atlantic tropical cyclone means seriously high winds and a narrow air corridor. You have what it takes to make this landing... But why are your palms so sweaty?
Special Modules: Wind,
Kerosene Leak
Special Abilities:
The runway is frozen solid and your kerosene gauge has been running low for 30 minutes already. 150 passengers and crew are depending on you. Don’t let them down.
Special Modules: Kerosene Leak,
Ice Breaks
Special Abilities:
When are they going to build a new airport at Tegucigalpa? Landing here haunts your dreams. When you learned what your destination was, your stomach flipped. Drop down to the left between the mountains and do what it takes.
Special Modules: Kerosene,
Special Abilities: