Sky Team

Module: Intern


Module: Intern

An intern has been assigned to you. They will be helpful during the flight, but you must finish their training before you land.


Place the Intern Board below the Control Panel.Place a random face-up Intern token on each space.


Intern Training

On your turn, you can train your Intern by placing a die of any value on the space of your colour on the Intern Board, and taking the first available token closest to your side. You can then place that token on any space you’d normally be able to place a die, and resolve its effect with the token’s number.

Untrained Intern

You must fully train your Intern by the time you land. If there are still Intern tokens on the Intern board at the end of the game, you did not finish your Intern’s training and you lose the game.


An Intern token cannot be modified by a Coffee token.

You cannot use this token on a Concentration space.

The die placed must be of a different value than the next available token.