Depending on the power you assigned to the engines, the Airplane will advance... or not!
As soon as the second die is placed, add together the 2 dice played onto the Engine spaces; this is your speed. Then:
If the sum is less than the weakest (blue) of the 2 Aerodynamics markers on the Speed Gauge, leave the Approach Track in place (do not move it).
If the sum is greater than the highest (orange) of the 2 Aerodynamics markers, advancethe Approach Track 2 spaces.
If the sum is between the 2 Aerodynamics markers, advance the Approach Track one space.
If one or more Airplane tokens move into the Current Position space, you’re still alive!
If there are Airplane tokens in the Current Position space and you have to advance the Approach Track, you have had a collision, and you’ve lost the game!
If the airport is in the Current Position space and you have to advance the Approach Track, you have overshot the airport, and you’ve lost the game!