Sky Team

Action: Concentration (Coffee Tokens)



This is not the time to crack under pressure; concentrateand prepare your next manoeuvres.

The Pilot and Co-Pilot can place any die in any free space.

Immediately place a Coffee token in one ofthe 3 designated spaces. You cannot have more than 3 Coffee tokens.

Any time you place a die anywhere on the Control Panel, you can use one or more Coffee tokens to modify the value of the die you are placing. Each spent token allows you to either add 1 to, or subtract 1 from, the value of your die. Return all spent Coffee tokens to the supply next to the board.

• Any player may use the Coffee tokens, regardless of who created them.

• Unspent tokens remain on the board for the following round.

• Modifiers can only change the value of a die to numbers between 1 and 6.

• Finally, subtracting 1 from a 1-value die does not change it to 6, nor does adding 1 to a 6 change it to a 1.


Isabelle has a ‘3’ die. She really wants to remove the Airplane from the Current Position space.

She removes 2 Coffee tokens from the Control Panel.

She transforms her ‘3’ die to a ‘1’, places it on her Radio space, and removes the Airplane token ICON

in the first space (the Current Position space).