Sky Team

Traffic Die (Approach Track Effect)


Approach Track Effects

There are 2 Approach Track Effects: Traffic Die​ , and Turns .


The skies are particularly busy today... airplanes seem to be appearing out of nowhere!

If there is a Traffic Die icon in the Current Position screen at the beginning of the round, roll the Traffic die as many times as there are icons on the space. Each time you roll, add an Airplane token to the space indicated bythe value of the die, starting with the Current Position screen. Don’t roll the die or add Airplane tokens if thereis no Traffic Die icon in the Current Position screen, even if you have passed through one when advancing 2 spaces.


If you stay on a space with one or more Traffic Die icons for more than one round, roll the Traffic die as many times as indicated at the beginning of each round you remain there. If you pass through a space with a Traffic Die icon while advancing 2 spaces... you do not need to roll it. If you need to place an Airplane token and there are none left in the supply, do not place any. If the number on the die is greater than the number of remaining spaces on the Approach Track, put the Airplane token on the last space of the track (the Airport).

Example: At the beginning of the second round in Atlanta, Isabelle and Oliver find themselves still on the first space of the Approach Track. Isabelle rolls the Traffic die and gets a 3. She places an Airplane token on the third space (the first being the Current Position screen). Because there is a second icon, she will need to roll a second time and add a second Airplane token.


Ominous clouds and mountains require a steady hand at the controls. You’d better buckle up!

When you perform the Advance the Approach Track step, if the airplane’s Axis is not in one of the permitted positions ( or ) in the Current Position screen, you lose the game. This also applies to both spaces you fly through if you advance 2 spaces during this round. If you do not advance the Approach Track (you move 0 spaces), you do not need to follow these constraints.