Sky Team

Module: Ice Breaks


Module: Ice Brakes

You are landing on an icy runway. Deploy your special brakes to avoid losing control!


Place the Ice Brakes board on the Control Panel so that it covers the original brakes.


You must move the Brake marker to the end of the track (past the 5) before the end of the game, while following the new placement rules. Otherwise you lose the game.

At the end of the last round, your Speed must be lower than the Brake marker.

The Ice Brakes track works like the normal Brakes track, but 2 dice of the same value must be placed in the space above and below the track in the same round.

If you place a die in a space on the Ice Brake track and you are not able to place a die in the opposite space in the same round, it is lost. Take back that die at the end of the round without moving the Brake marker.

Note that this track does not have Switches.

However, as with the normal brakes:

You must deploy them in order, from left to right.

You cannot play a die in a space to the left of the Brake marker (in a space where dice have already been played in a previous round).

You can advance the Brake marker more than once per round if the conditions have been met.