Take turns. The arrow in the Current Altitude screen will indicate who plays first. For example, the Pilot (blue) begins the first round.
On your turn, place ONE (and only one!) of your remaining dice (from behind your screen) on a FREE space (without a die) on the Control Panel.
Respect the colour constraints. The Pilot may only place their dice in blue spaces, and the Co-Pilot
in the orange spaces. Some spaces are both blue and orange; either player can place dice there.
Respect the number constraints. For example, the Co-Pilot may only place a 1 or 2 in the first Flaps space.
The majority of spaces have colour AND/OR number constraints. For example, only the Pilot can place a die in the Brakes section (those spaces are blue), AND it must be a die showing the number 2.
The Radio spaces have colour - but not number - constraints, so any number may be placed there.
The Concentration spaces don’t have any constraints (any player may place a die of any value here).