Roll Player

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the theme (thematic backdrop) of Roll Player?
Character creation
Mighty heroes don’t just appear out of thin air – they must be created! Race, class, alignment, skills, traits, and equipment are all elements of the perfect hero, ready to take on the opposition in the quest for glory and riches.
Related Rule(s)
What is the goal (objective) of Roll Player?
Reputation Stars
You compete with your opponents to create the greatest fantasy adventurer who has ever lived, preparing to embark on an epic quest. Roll and draft dice to build up your character’s attributes. Buy weapons and armor to outfit your hero. Train to gain skills and to discover your hero’s traits, in order to prepare them for their journey. Earn Reputation Stars by constructing the perfect character. The player with the greatest Reputation wins the game
Related Rule(s)
Is there an alternate way to set up the Market Deck?
During setup, shuffle the entire Market deck together, disregarding the single-dot and double-dot indicators before discarding cards to create the discard pile (if necessary). This will add more variety to the game.
Which Initiative Cards should have Gold (a coin) on them?
All but end cards
A gold always goes on all the cards except the two on the ends. Initiative Cards are double-sided, and some of them have a coin on one side and not on the other. There's an indicator on each side of the card that shows the player count and therefore when that side should be used.
Related Rule(s)
Can I discard a card I don't want to use before Final Scoring?
If you want to discard a card(s) to help your score, you may do so. You are not required to use them.
Related Rule(s)
What happens when (if) the Market deck runs out (is depleted)?
Reshuffle discards
If the Market deck is depleted and additional cards need to be drawn, the Start Player shuffles the discard pile (single dot and double dot together) to create a new Market deck before drawing the necessary cards.
Related Rule(s)
Are Market Cards discarded each round?
The Start Player discards the remaining Market cards during the Cleanup Phase. The Start Player then draws a new set of Market cards for the next round (equal to the number of Initiative cards) and places them face up to form a new Market.
Related Rule(s)
How do I score an Attribute Goal when the Race (racial) modifier gets in the way?
Select Cards
Jeweled Dagger (Weapon), Courageous (Trait) and Longsword (Weapon) are designed to help overcome a racial penalties for attribute goals of 17 or 18.
Is their a limit to the number of Armor Cards I can have (equip)?
You can collect as many Armor Cards from as many different sets as you would like.
Related Rule(s)
Does Tower Shield earn additional points if I already have a full (complete) Armor set?
If the player has either no Armor or only complete Armor sets (i.e., 5 Chain, 4 Leather or 3 Mystic), no additional Reputation Stars are earned.
Related Rule(s)
Does Tower Shield earn points even if I don't have any Armor cards?
If the player has either no Armor or only complete Armor sets (i.e., 5 Chain, 4 Leather or 3 Mystic), no additional Reputation Stars are earned.
Related Rule(s)
If I finish an Attribute Row with Sleight of Hand, do I collect Gold (coin)?
Gold is not awarded to the player if the die is moved to the final space of an Attribute Row.
Related Rule(s)
Can Slight of Hand trigger an Attribute Action?
When a die is moved as a result of using Sleight of Hand, it does not trigger the Attribute Action in the new location.
Related Rule(s)
If I select a Gold die with the Search Skill Card, do I collect Gold (coin)?
Gold is awarded to the player if a gold die is placed on the player’s Character Sheet as a result of using Search.
Related Rule(s)
Can I use a discount (Charisma Token or Heavy Crossbow) when using Open Lock?
When using Open Lock (a Skill Card) to buy a card from the top of the Market deck, discounts may not be used (Charisma tokens, Heavy Crossbow, etc). If the card bought is a Trait card, the player must move the tracking token on their Alignment card, if movement from the current position is possible.
Related Rule(s)
If I select a Gold die with Negotiate, do I collect two Gold (coins)?
When using Negotiate (a Skill Card), if the player places a gold die from the Dice Pool on their Character Sheet, the player does gain 2 Gold from the supply.
Related Rule(s)
How does Longsword and Jeweled Dagger interact with Trait Cards like Weak and Reckless?
It doesn't
Longsword no effect when determining if a player has met requirements on a Trait card like Reckless or Weak.
Can dice be valued greater (more) than 6 with Jeweled Dagger?
When a player scores their Attribute Goals with these weapons, dice can be valued as greater than 6.
Which cards get exhausted when I use Diplomacy?
Diplomacy card only
When used, this card is exhausted while the targeted Skill card is not exhausted. It is possible to use Diplomacy to adjust the Alignment of the player who used Diplomacy and not take the action on the target Skill card.
Related Rule(s)
How do I reorder the dice with Intimidate?
As normal
When reordering the dice on the Initiative cards in the center of the table, the player follows the ordering rules from the Roll Phase as though they were the Start Player.
Related Rule(s)
What dice (die) are affected by Climb?
Unselected dice only
These abilities only affect the dice on Initiative cards that have not yet been selected in the Dice Phase.
Related Rule(s)
Do I replace or add Market cards with the Attuned Druid Class ability?
The player may return any card from the Market discard pile to the Market. They do not replace cards; they add to them.
Can I also discard a card from the Market with Move Silently?
When using Move Silently (Skill Card) to buy a card from the Market discard pile, a player may not also discard a card from the Market and gain the 2 Gold.
Related Rule(s)
I want to see the scoring chart for Solitaire (solo) play.
Here are the different levels of scoring for Solitaire play: True Hero: 38+, Clan Leader: 34-37, Luminary: 30-33, Adventurer: 26-29, Hireling: 22-25, NPC: 21 or fewer
In Solitaire (solo) play, how many points (Reputation Stars) do I earn for Gold (coins)?
1 for every 8 coins
For every 8 Gold the player has at the end of the game, the player earns one additional Reputation Star.
Do I earn points (Reputation Stars) for Gold (coins) at the end of the game (Final Scoring)?
No and Yes
In a multiplayer game, no. In a multiplayer game Gold coins are only used as a tiebreaker. In a Solitaire (solo) game, Gold (coins) earns 1 Reputation Star for every 8 coins.
Related Rule(s)
What happens to the Market Cards in Solitaire (solo) play after I select one?
Moved and Trash
After buying a card from the Market or discarding a card to gain 2 Gold, move the leftmost card in the Market to the discard pile. If there are any remaining cards in the Market, move them to the trash pile.
Is anything removed from the game (Cards or Dice) when playing solitaire (solo)?
Remove the "Diplomacy" Market card and then setup the Market deck as in the two-player game. Also, Remove 1 Gold die from the bag and set it off to the side. This is the “enemy” die.
Related Rule(s)
How can we shorten the length of the game so it takes less time?
More dice at start
During setup, each player draws and rolls two additional dice and places them on their Character Sheet. Thus, the number of dice each player draws is equal to the number of players plus six (8/9/10 dice for 2/3/4 players, respectively). If playing with three or four players, no additional Gold is received for being the third or fourth player during setup.
Related Rule(s)
Is there a different (less random) way to set up the game?
For a less random setup, give each player one die of each player color (green, blue, red, white, purple, and black), rather than drawing randomly from the dice bag. Then, if playing with three players, give each player a gold die in addition to the set of six dice, or if playing with four players, two gold dice. All players roll their dice and place them on their Character Sheets as in the standard game.
How can I remember to take a Gold (coin) when I complete an Attribute Row?
Place a Coin
After completing the Place Starting Dice portion of Setup, place a Gold (coin) from the supply on each of the final (third) remaining open Attribute slots on your Character Sheet. When you complete an Attribute Row during the game, remove it from your Character Sheet and claim this Gold (coin) instead of gaining a Gold (coin) from the supply.
What happens (how do we resolve) a tie?
Most Gold
If there is a tie, the tied player with the most Gold wins. If there is still a tie, the tied player with the fewest number of dice in their Class color on their Character Sheet wins. If there is still a tie, the tied players rejoice in their shared victory or play again!
Do I earn Reputation Stars (points) by collecting dice (die) of a certain (Class) color?
Score one Reputation Star for each die on your Character Sheet that matches your Class color.
How do I score my Class Card Attribute Rows when there is a plus (+) sign?
Equal to or Higher
If the goal includes a plus sign (+), then the player’s Attribute Score must be equal to or higher than the indicated number. Example: 14+
How do I win the game?
Most Stars
You win the game by earning the most Reputation Stars!
Related Rule(s)
Do we keep score (earn Reputation Stars) during the game?
While you may be earning Reputation Stars while you play, your final score is tallied only at the end of the game.
Related Rule(s)
What Attribute Action can I take when I place a die (dice) in Charisma?
Get a Charisma Token
Placing a die in the Charisma Attribute Row allows the player to take a Charisma token. During the Market Phase this round, the player may spend any Charisma token in place of one Gold when buying a Market card.
Related Rule(s)
What Attribute Action can I take when I place a die (dice) in Wisdom?
Adjust Alignment
Placing a die in the Wisdom Attribute Row allows the player to move the tracking token on their Alignment card one space up, down, left, or right.
Related Rule(s)
What Attribute Action can I take when I place a die (dice) in Intelligence?
Reroll a die
Placing a die in the Intelligence Attribute Row allows the player to choose any die on their Character Sheet and reroll it. The player may choose to keep either the new value or the original value. The die is then returned to its original space on the Character Sheet.
Related Rule(s)
What Attribute Action can I take when I place a die (dice) in Constitution?
Change value by 1
Placing a die in the Constitution Attribute Row allows the player to increase or decrease the face value of any die in their Character Sheet by one. Dice values cannot "loop." In other words, a 6 cannot be "increased" to a 1, nor can a 1 cannot be "decreased to a 6.
Related Rule(s)
Can I move a die to an open space using the Dexterity Attribute Action?
The Dexterity Attribute Action only allows the player to exchange the placement of two dice.
Related Rule(s)
What Attribute Action can I take when I place a die (dice) in Dexterity?
Switch two die
Placing a die in the Dexterity Attribute Row allows the player to exchange the placement of any two dice on their Character Sheet without changing their current face values. The player may not move a die to an open space using this Attribute Action.
Related Rule(s)
What Attribute Action can I take when I place a die (dice) in Strength?
Flip a die
Placing a die in the Strength Attribute Row allows the player to change the face value of any die on their Character Sheet to the face value on the opposite side of the die.
Related Rule(s)
What happens to my Skill Card after I've used it?
Turn it sideways
Exhaust a Skill Card you've used by turning it sideways to show that it cannot be used again until it is refreshed.
Related Rule(s)
How many Skill Cards can I refresh each round?
No matter how many Skill Cards you used during the round, only one Skill Card may be refreshed at the end of the round (during the Cleanup Phase).
Related Rule(s)
How is the new Start Player determined?
Passes left
The Start Player passes the dice bag to the left. That player becomes the Start Player for the next round.
Related Rule(s)
Can I keep my Charisma token?
If you don't use the Charisma token on the round you obtained it you must return it to the supply.
Related Rule(s)
Do I have to (am I required) to buy a Market Card?
Players are always free to discard a Market Card and receive two Gold (coins) instead of buying a Market Card.
Related Rule(s)
Can I look through (search) the Market discard pile?
At any time during the game, any player may look through the Market discard pile.
Related Rule(s)
Do I have to (am I required) to take an Attribute Action?
Attribute Actions are not required when you place a die.
Related Rule(s)
How do I place dice that are the same during the Roll Phase?
You choose
Always place dice in ascending order from left to right, beginning with the "1" Initiative Card. When two or more dice match, the Start Player chooses the order.
Related Rule(s)
Can I take Attribute Actions while placing die (dice) during Setup?
Attribute Actions are not taken during Setup.
Related Rule(s)
Do I collect (gain) a Gold (coin) for completing an Attribute Row during Setup?
As per the normal rules, you do collect a Gold (coin) for completing each Attribute Row with three dice during Setup.
Related Rule(s)
Do I collect Gold (coins) for drawing a Gold die (dice) during Setup?
Collect two Gold (coins) for each Gold die you draw during Setup.
Related Rule(s)
How many starting dice should I draw at the beginning (start) of the game?
The number of dice to draw at the start of the game is equal to the number of players, plus four. 6/7/8 dice for 2/3/4 players, respectively.
Related Rule(s)
Can an Initiative Card have more than 1 Gold (coin)?
Gold (coins) on Initiative Cards are only replaced when empty. Gold never accumulates on an Initiative Card and will therefore never have more than 1 Gold (coin) on them.
Related Rule(s)
Why is there a Gold (coin) symbol on some Initiative Cards?
Coin placement
At the start of the game and during each Cleanup Phase, the Start Player places 1 Gold (coin) on any Initiative Cards with a Gold (coin) symbol that do not already have a Gold (coin) on them.
Related Rule(s)
How do I create the Market?
Create the Market by drawing cards from the Market deck equal to the number of players plus one (3/4/5 cards for 2/3/4 players, respectively) and placing them face up in the center of the table.
Related Rule(s)
How do I set up the Market Deck?
Separate the Market cards into single-dot and double-dot card piles (dots are in the upper-right corner of the cards). If playing with three players, discard three cards from each pile, or if playing with two players, discard seven cards from each pile. Shuffle the piles separately and place the single-dot pile on top of the double-dot pile to form the Market deck.
How many Gold coins do I get at the start of the game?
At the start of the game each player takes 5 coins. The third player in player order takes an additional gold. If there's a fourth player, the fourth player in player order takes two additional gold.
Related Rule(s)
How many Initiative Cards should I use?
Initiate Cards in play equals the number of players, plus one.
Related Rule(s)
What if I can't move my Alignment tracking cube when I purchase a Trait?
Buy the card
You can still buy the Trait, even if you are unable to move your tracking token in the direction indicated on the card.
Related Rule(s)
What if I'm unable to move my Alignment tracking token?
Skill can't be used
If it is not possible for the player to move the tracking token due to its position on the player's Alignment Card, then the Skill Card cannot be used.
Related Rule(s)
When can I use my Skill Card?
Skill Cards can be used anytime, such as immediately after they are purchased or even during another player's turn (unless noted on the card's description)!
Related Rule(s)
Does my class bonus on Armor Sets include each card in the set?
You only get to count your class bonus once per armor set. Whether you have one leather armor card or all four, you still only receive 1 bonus point (Reputation Star) if you are the purple or black class.
Related Rule(s)
Can I buy a different Weapon Card if I'm over (exceeded) my hand limit?
You may exceed your hand icon limit when you purchase a Market Card, but you may not exceed your "hand" limit at the end of your turn. As a result, if buying a Market Card puts you over the limit, you must discard down to at least two hand icons total.
Related Rule(s)
How many Weapon Cards can I buy (have)?
Two "hands" worth
Each Weapon Card features one or two hand icons. Each player may only have up to two hands worth of Weapon Cards. If buying a Market Card puts you over the limit, you must discard down to at least two hand icons total.
Related Rule(s)
How many Market Cards come in the game?
The game includes 53 Market Cards. Market Cards include Traits, Skills, Armor and Weapons.
Related Rule(s)
How many different things (elements) do I score at the end of the game?
Score Attribute Goals, Class Color Dice, Alignment Card, Backstory Card, Armor Cards and Trait Cards. A reminder of these scoring elements can be found on the lower righthand corner of your Character Sheet.
Related Rule(s)
How do I place a die (dice) in my Character Sheet?
From left to right
During the Dice Phase (and during Setup) players always place the die in the leftmost empty space of any Attribute Row.
Related Rule(s)
How do I move or change (adjust) my Alignment cube?
Cards and Wisdom
You can shift your alignment cube up, down, left or right as an Attribute Action when placing a die in Wisdom. In addition, Skill Cards and Trait Cards purchased during the Market Phase include an Arrow Icon. Traits require you to shift your Alignment cube immediately, while Skills require you to shift your Alignment cube when you decided to use the Skill in question.
Related Rule(s)
Are the Character Sheets the same or different?
Each character sheet features a different race with a female side and a male side. Some races have a bonus or penalty applied to certain Attribute Rows.
Related Rule(s)
How many character sheets come in the game?
Character Sheets included in Roll Player include: Human, Dragonkin, Elf, Orc, Halfling and Dwarf.
How do I use the wooden Tracking Tokens (cubes)?
Alignment Card
Place one Tracking Token on the indicated space of your Alignment Card. The other Tracking Token can be placed on your Class Card as a reminder of your player color. A popular use for this second Tracking Token is to place it on an Initiative Card during the Dice Phase in order to mark the card/die you've chosen, rather than taking the Initiative Card.
Related Rule(s)
What is a Charisma Token (bonus)?
Save 1 gold
During the Market Phase this round, the player may spend any Charisma token in place of 1 gold when buying a Market card. In this way, a Market card that costs 1 gold will be "free" with a Charisma token.
Related Rule(s)
How do I earn (gain) gold?
Several ways
Gain 2 gold when placing a gold die on a Character Sheet. Gain 2 gold when discarding a card from the Market instead of buying one. Gain 1 gold when placing a third die in an Attribute Row (completing it). Gain 1 gold when selecting an Initiatiave card with gold on it.
Related Rule(s)
How many Gold coins do I get at the start of the game?
At the start of the game each player takes 5 coins. The third player in player order takes an additional gold. If there's a fourth player, the fourth player in player order takes two additional gold.
How many coins come in the game?
The game includes 60 cardboard (punch-out) coins.
Related Rule(s)
What happens if I draw too many dice from the bag?
Return them to the bag and re-draw the correct number.
Related Rule(s)
How many dice come in the box?
73, which includes ten each in blue, red, black, white, purple and black, plus 13 gold dice.
Related Rule(s)
Can a dice that has moved or that has changed face value as a result of an Attribute Action trigger additional Attribute Actions?
A player places a die in the Dexterity Attribute Row and uses the Dexterity Attribute Action to exchange a die between Charisma and Strength. This triggers neither the Charisma Attribute Action nor the Strength Attribute Action.