Werewords Deluxe

App Overview


Install the Werewords app on your iOS or Android mobile device (go to beziergames.com to get the app).

The Werewords app walks you through the Night Phase of the game, providing the Magic Word to the Mayor, Seer, and Werewolf. It also includes timers for guessing the Magic Word and for discussion prior to voting.

If this is your first time using the app, go to the settings and select the Werewords Deluxe Edition box art to unlock all available options for your edition.

A role with a square frame around it is selected. The number of players is indicated in the leftmost button above the Play button (tap this to quickly increase or decrease player count with recommended roles).

The difficulty level is displayed immediately below the roles on the right. Tap this button to cycle through all four difficulty levels.

The Game Timer button indicates how much time players have to figure out the Magic Word. Tap and hold this to adjust the time.

Tap the Stopwatch button to activate Speedwords.

Tap the Gear button to access various settings for the app.

The Werewords app will be updated occasionally with new features, updated word lists, and more, so be sure to use the latest version of the app when you play.