Tiny Epic Crimes

Step 2: Perform 1 Action (mandatory)


Next, you must perform one action on your turn, which costs a specific amount of (all listed on the Player Aid). After completing your action, advance your Time Tracker that many spaces on the track, plus the for blocks moved in Step 1: Drive. If you end up at a space that has another player’s Tracker, place yours at the top of the stack.

Action: Arrest (Daytime or Nighttime)

If on the same block as a mobster, spend 1 to Arrest them. A Remove the mobster’s token from its city block and place it on the open space to the right side of your Officer Mat that matches that mobster’s color. In the example on the right, you spend 1 to use this action to Arrest this Blue Bee mobster. It is placed on the matching color spot on your mat. If you already have a mobster of the same color on your mat, you instead return it to the bag. B Once all 3 spots (,, and ) have been filled, you advance 1 Badge Level and return all 3 mobsters to the bag.

Note: “Arrest” () is a specific action (see above), while “apprehend” means picking up one or more mobsters, whether by Arrest, Bring in for Holding, Call for Backup, or any similar action. When you apprehend a mobster, return it to the bag unless the action description gives instructions otherwise.

Action: Coffee Break (Daytime or Nighttime)

Spend 1 to take no action on your turn, effectively doing nothing. Although rare, this action can be useful for certain circumstances.

Action: Call for Backup ( Daytime)

If the block you are on and/or adjacent blocks have mobsters, you can “risk” time to apprehend them all. Declare to the other players how many to spend: choose from 1 to 6. Then, roll one die:

The die result is less than or equal to the number of hours risked: it is a success! You apprehend all mobsters from your block and adjacent blocks, returning them to the bag, and then gain a Force Card.

The die result was more: you fail. You apprehend a mobster on your block (if there is one), but not any adjacent mobsters, and do not gain a Force Card.

In the example above, you risk 4 to Call for Backup. You roll a 3: Success! Remove all 4 mobsters and gain a Force Card.

Note: Succeed or fail, advance your Time Tracker the you risked.

Action: Catch Informant ( Daytime)

If on the same block as a mobster, and there is an Informant Token () in the row of blocks you are on, spend 2 to apprehend the mobster AND collect the token. Return the mobster to the bag, place the token on your Officer Mat, and advance 1 Badge Level ().

Action: Catch Witness ( Nighttime)

If on the same block as a mobster, and there is a Witness Token () in the column of blocks you are on, spend 2 to apprehend the mobster AND collect the token. Return the mobster to the bag, place the token on your Officer Mat, and advance 1 Badge Level ().

Action: Search Scene ( Daytime)

If on the same block as a Search Token (), spend 2 and flip the token to reveal the result:

Success! Place it on your Officer Mat, -side up.

Failure. Place it on your Officer Mat, -side up.

Whether succeed or fail, advance 1 Badge Level ().

Note: Only 3 are needed to solve Forensics. Once 3 are revealed, discard all remaining from the city.

Action: Stakeout ( Nighttime)

If on the same block as a Stakeout Token, you may declare 1 to 5 that you wish to risk, and then secretly reveal the token to yourself:

The token’s number is less than or equal to your risked: it is a success! Show it to the other players, and then place the token on your Officer Mat. Advance 1 Badge Level ().

The token’s number is more: it is a failure. Return the token facedown to the block, and do not tell the other players the number. You do not advance on your Badge Level.

In the example above, you risk 2 on a Stakeout. You peek at it and reveal a “1” so it is a success! Reveal the number to everyone else.

Note: Only 3 are needed to solve Getaway. Once 3 are revealed, discard all remaining from the city.

Action: Bring in for Holding ( Nighttime)

This is a 2-step action that takes two turns, each during nighttime, to complete (you cannot complete this action’s second turn if it has turned to day; you must wait to finish this action until it is nighttime again).

1. If on the same block as a mobster, spend 2 to apprehend the mobster, placing it on the Holding Spot on your Officer Mat (not on the 3 slots on the right side). You cannot have more than 1 mobster on the Holding Spot at a time.

2. On a later nighttime turn while at HQ, you may spend 2 to return that mobster to the bag. Place the Holding Token () from the HQ Card that matches the mobster’s color (,, or ) on your Officer Mat. Advance 1 Badge Level (). If the mobster’s color of Holding Token has already been taken, gain 1 Force Card instead, but do not advance on the Badge Level.

In the example above, you spend 2 to apprehend a mobster and place them on the Holding spot on your mat. Then as a subsequent nighttime action when you are at HQ, spend another 2 to return that mobster to the bag and then collect the matching ’s Holding Token.

Note: Only 3 are needed to solve Weapon. Once solved, players may still Bring in mobsters, but they instead gain a Force Card as a reward (it still costs 4 total).

Rest Your Case (during Hours 43-48)

This is the final action you take. When you end your turn and your Time Tracker is on a “red space” (hours 43-48 on the track) then you may choose to end your game. Indicate this by laying your car on its side. You do not take any further turns, but other players continue to play and you still participate in their information exchanges, gain rewards from Events you contributed to, etc. Once all players have laid their cars down, it is time for everyone to make their accusations against who they think the murderer is (see Game End: The Accusation).

Note: Your tracker cannot go beyond the 48-hour mark of the Time Track. If your action would cause your token to go past that mark, you must choose another action.

Bonus Action: Interrogate

As a bonus for advancing your badge onto some spaces on your Badge Level Track, you may immediately interrogate another player’s Suspects: Choose another player, who holds all of their Suspect Cards in a hand in front of you showing only their card backs. Pick one card at random to look at by using the Magnifying Glass. Afterward, return the card to its owner. If it is a card you have already seen, you do not get to pick another.

Action: Resolve Event

Along with cracking the case, officers have a duty to serve Echo Ridge. Up to 3 Events can be active at one time, and each has a unique setup, a negative effect, and a requirement for resolving it. Typically, Events require you to perform an action or move to a specific block on your turn. When you resolve an Event:

1. Gain the reward listed on the bottom of the card. The reward for the player that resolves the Event () is listed. If () is included on the card, then any other player that contributed an action or is on a block necessary to resolve the Event also gets a reward. Be honest about your contribution to resolving the Event.

2. Discard the Event’s card and any tokens it required. If mobsters were placed on the card, return them to the bag.

Limited Rewards: If there is not enough of a reward for each recipient, players select in Time Track order, furthest back first.