Tiny Epic Crimes

Cooperative Game Mode


Instead of the high-stakes drama of Standard Mode, the game can be fully cooperative, where all Solved Evidence and Suspects’ Alibis are shared by all players, and collectively one accusation is made!

Cooperative: Game Setup Changes

1. Flip to the “Cooperative” sides of the Officer Mats, noting the player counts listed in the upper-left corners:

2 players: use Detective and Patrol Cop

3 players: use Detective, Patrol Cop, and Analyst

4 players: use all four officers.

2. Flip to the “Cooperative sides” of the Time Track Mats.

3. Before adding mobsters to the bag, remove mobsters from the game, leaving them in the box. The amount removed is based on the player count:

2 players: remove 1 Gray Gangster ()

3 players: remove 1 of each color ()

4 players: remove 2 of each color ()

4. Taking from the removed mobsters, place 1 Gray Gangster () in the open area directly next to the 48-hour mark on the Time Track. This is the Out-of-Time Marker.

Cooperative: Gameplay

Each role has access to a limited number of actions, listed on each Officer Mat. For example, the Patrol Cop can only Catch Informant, Stakeout, and Bring in for Holding. All officers can Drive, Arrest, Call for Backup, and Coffee Break. Actions are no longer restricted by day or night.

Cooperative: Arresting Mobsters

Officer Mats do not have spots on the right side where mobsters are placed when arrested. Instead, mobsters are returned right to the bag.

Cooperative: Gaining Suspects’ Alibis

Whenever Suspect Cards are gained, they are placed face-up for all players to see and the suspect’s name is read aloud.

Cooperative: Too-Many-Events Penalty

When a fourth Event Card is to be played, or if there are not enough mobsters in the bag to add to the city, instead of discarding a Suspect Card from the deck you move the Gray Gangster mobster backward 1 space on the Time Track.

Cooperative: Out-of-Time Marker

The Gray Mobster on the Time Track marks the track’s end. Treat the mobster’s space as the final hour.

NOTE: The 6 red spaces for making the accusation are always considered to be leading to the out-of-time marker. So, if the marker has for example traveled to space 44, then the red zone is considered to cover spaces from 38 to 43.

Cooperative: Force Cards

• In a 3- or 4-player game: Force Cards are treated the same as Standard Mode. However, players can publicly share what cards they have.

• In a 2-player game: Players combine their Force Cards in a shared pool of up to 4 cards, and both players have access to any available card.

Cooperative: Solving Evidence

Whenever any Evidence is solved, players do not gain a Suspect Card for having Clue Tokens—the knowledge is instead shared.

New Officer Ability: Leg Work

When playing as the Detective or the Analyst (listed on their mats), whenever you would gain a Force Card, you instead may spend 3 to gain a Suspect Card (do not draw the Force Card).

Cooperative: The Accusation

Players now win or lose the game together as a team. Once all players’ Cars are lying on their sides, it is time to make one collective accusation. A single suspect is chosen by the team, and the Murderer is then revealed: if correct, all players win! If incorrect, then all players lose.