Tiny Epic Pirates

Getting Jostled


When your ship is Jostled, either from a Storm or from losing after an attack, check what penalty you take:

1. If there are Deckhands on Rigging, Cannons, or Extort: move any 1 Deckhand you choose from any of those 3 into Repair.

2. If no Deckhands are on those 3 Assignments: move any 1 Deckhand you choose from your Wheel into Repair.

3. If ALL of your Deckhands are in Repair, you do not get Jostled from losing an attack. However, you cannot sail into a Storm if ALL of your Deckhands are in Repair. You first need to move at least 1 Deckhand to your Wheel by skipping a Captain’s Order, or Hide Out to reassign your Deckhands.