Piège Obscur

Questions fréquentes

Quand est-ce qu'on perd ?
Les prisonniers perdent si : • Les 4 tuiles Porte de sortie ont été défaussées. • Ils ne parviennent pas à trouver une clef chacun. • Ils ne parviennent pas à se retrouver à la porte de sortie avec leur clef respective avant que les ténèbres ne les engloutissent.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
How do we win?
Prisoners win by each collecting a Key, then gathering with those keys on one Gate tile.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Can I remove monsters during Final Flickers?
Règle(s) connexe(s)
What happens when the draw stack runs out?
Final Flickers
Règle(s) connexe(s)
How do I recover from Lights Out?
Join Lit Prisoner
When a LIGHTS OUT Prisoner becomes adjacent via a connected Passage to a Prisoner with a lit candle, their candle is automatically relit.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
How many tiles are discarded if a monster hits multiple Prisoners?
3 per Prisoner
When a monster attack hits Prisoners each one will discard 3 tiles. Each prisoner hit may individually spend a Nerve to Block reducing their 3 down to 2.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Can a monster hit another monster?
If a monster attack hits another monster, the monster will attack in a chain reaction.
Will a monster trigger if I move into a pit that is in its line of sight?
Monsters can not see past pits. Therefore if you move into a pit from across it or the side the monster will not see movement.
Can I spend the Nerve I gained this turn?
Nerve is gained at the very end of your turn, even after discarding a tile for Final Flickers. Therefore it can not be used the same turn it is gained.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Can I spend more than 1 Nerve a turn?
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Puis-je donner ma clef à un autre joueur ?
Un prisonnier peut choisir de donner sa Clef à un autre prisonnier lorsque celui-ci se trouve sur une tuile qui lui est adjacente, si un chemin les relie.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Est-ce qu'un prisonnier peut avoir plus d'1 clef à la fois ?
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Que se passe-t-il si je tombe et que la pioche est vide ?
Si vous tombez et que la pioche est vide, vous chutez éternellement dans les ténèbres, et la partie est perdue.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Que se passe-t-il si je tombe sur un monstre ?
Si vous tombez et que vous atterrissez sur un monstre, il vous attaque immédiatement. Après ça, déplacez-vous vers une autre tuile et défaussez le monstre.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Est-ce que tomber dans un gouffre signifie mourir ?
Tomber dans un gouffre ne veut pas dire que vous mourez. Au contraire, c’est parfois une option intéressante. Cet endroit est si étrange que, même en tombant, vous atterrirez à nouveau dans le labyrinthe. Un prisonnier peut même choisir de sauter dans un gouffre qui lui est adjacent.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Will a tile still crumble if I stay on it?
The turn after a Prisoner stands on a crumbling tile it will flip into a pit. If the Prisoner stays on it they will fall into the pit that forms.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Will a monster attack if I stay?
Règle(s) connexe(s)
how many Nerve can a player have?
Prisoners can have at most 2 Nerve.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Can I move past another Prisoner?
Paths are too tight for prisoners to share. Only gate tiles can have multiple prisoners.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
What happens when I no longer light a tile?
Discard it
When for any reason any tile is no longer illuminated by any player it gets discarded.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
How far does my light reach?
1 space away
Your candle lights one space away from you along any paths out of the tile you are on.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Is there an edge of the map?
The Night Cage is a cage without bars. From one end of the map you can reach the square on the opposite side.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
In a 3 player game who controls the 4th?
4th prisoner marker
During a 3 player game you will give the 4th prisoner marker to the first player. When its time for the 4th Prisoners turn the player with the marker will take their turn, then pass the token to their left.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Where do I start on the board?
On a prisoners first turn they will place their start tile in any unlit space on the board.
Who goes first?
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Is there a special way to fill the Tile Holder during setup?
Make a side pile of 4 ‘T’ tiles, 2 four-way tiles and 2 straight tiles. Add 1 four-way and one T tile if playing with 5. Then shuffle the rest of the tiles filling the tile holder with them. After that shuffle the set aside tiles placing them on top of the stack within the tile holder.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Do I always setup 4 Prisoners?
when playing with 1 - 4 players you will always use 4 prisoners. Only in a 5 player game will the number change to 5 prisoners.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Can I use all the boss monsters at once?
It is highly unrecommended, but you may use any combination of advanced and boss monsters during setup to make for a truly challenging experience.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
If I fall onto a Keeper do I get a key?
As long as you don't already have a key, falling onto a Keeper will result in you obtaining one.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
If I charge a Keeper from the side do I still get hit?
Charging a Keeper from any direction except behind will result in you being hit. You will then go lights out and discard 3 tiles. You do get a key in the process.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Which way does a Keeper face when I place them?
Towards you
When placing a Keeper you will always face the mouth towards the prisoner placing it.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Do I use both Key tiles and Keepers?
When playing the Advanced Game you will replace all key tiles with Keepers.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Do players effected by a Pit Fiend discard any tiles?
Players who have pits created below them by a Pit Fiend fall into those pits before play resumes as normal.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Can you block the Pathless attack?
Being hit by the Pathless can not be blocked, and will result in you discarding 5 tiles from the stack.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Are Omens monsters?
Omens are only used as a countdown clock until the 2nd has been revealed summoning the Dirge.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Can the Dirge be placed over the edge of the map?
No part of the Dirge may be over the edge when placing it.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
How many omens are revealed before placing the Dirge?
When the 2nd Omen is revealed place it as normal. Then use where you placed it as the anchor point to place the Dirge.
Règle(s) connexe(s)
Can the difficulty level be adjusted?
Règle(s) connexe(s)