Each Movement Phase is made up of 6 Movement Rounds.
Once each player has taken 6 Movement Turns, i.e. having played 6 cards and discarded 6 cards, the first Movement Phase ends and the Guard Phase Begins.
- All players shuffle the 12 Movement Cards in their hand and place them face-down to form a draw deck in front of them.
- All players draw the top Movement Card from their deck and place it face-up on the table beside their draw deck.
On each player’s first turn they may choose any 1 of the 7 Start locations marked on Playing Board 1 to be the starting position of their Ninja.
The player holding the First Player Token begins the first Movement Round by
- drawing the next card from their draw deck
- placing it face-up beside their first card
- choosing one of the four route options available on the two face-up cards and play that card.
The card played is set face-up on the table above the Player’s Draw Deck.
The remaining card is set face-down as a Discard Deck beside them.
The 1st player’s turn ends by
- drawing the next card from their draw deck and
- placing it face-up in front of them.
Play then passes clockwise to the next player who begins by drawing the next face-down card from their draw deck and beginning their turn as above.
When you draw a Movement Card it is helpful to rotate the card so that the arrow at the top of the card points in the direction of play:
- Towards the Shogun’s Palace in the Co-op game
- Towards the Blue Forest in the PvP game.