
Event cards


No Bonus cards are to be bought or played in this round.

The players receive 1 additional movement point at the beginning of the round.

At the end of the round the players may pay the goods shown from their warehouse and/or Countinghouse cards.

In return they get 3-7 coins (value 1), depending on the quantity.

The players receive 1 additional coin of their choice (value 1) at the beginning of the round.

Put a Plague marker on the large ship on the game board. In this round travel over the sea is not possible.

The players may buy movement points for 1 coin each at the beginning of the round. Each player is allowed a maximum of 7 movement points at any time.

A third Scoring card is turned over.

During the complete round no player is allowed to move to a city with another player ́s oxcart in it. It is however allowed to travel though that city.

The players do not get any income at the beginning of the round.

At the end of the round each player gets the coins shown, who has the goods shown in their warehouse and/or on their Countinghouse cards – independent of the number of the single goods.

The goods do NOT have to be given away.

During this round players have to pay 1 Thaler or Krone to each other player who has a Counting-house in a city the travelling player moves on or through. If there are Countinghouses of different players in that city, the travelling player has to pay 1 coin each to all of those players.

Put a Plague marker on this city. In this round the city of Tönning must not be travelled through or landed in. To calculate the proceeds when selling goods the route via Rendsburg has to be used instead.

Both currency rates are put on their 1. Each player draws 2 Bonus cards at the beginning of the round, chooses 1 and puts the other one face-down in the Bonus card stack (which is shuffled together with the rest of the stack). In addition the players only start with 1 coin in their currency (instead of 2).

Both currency rates are increased by 1. Put one Plague marker on Åbenrå and Itzehoe each. No one is allowed to travel through or land on these cities.

To calculate the proceeds when selling goods the next shortest route has to be used instead.
