Cthulhu: Death May Die

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a monster? Is a Cultist / Disciple of Hastur / Elder One a monster?
Cultists, Monsters and Elder Ones are enemies but distinct categories. Disciples of Hastur are monsters. Effects that target monsters do not apply to Cultists, neither to Elder Ones. Tokens (like guards) are neither of the above.
Related Rule(s)
Can you discard a Condition card for the Short Term Memory Loss insanity card?
What happens if The Kid (copying Gate Manipulation) affect the same space and a Monster or Cultist is summoned there?
Gate Manipulation deal wounds based on the enemy’s health stat. Since both abilities would trigger, the Monster or Cultist summoned there take wounds equal to half their health twice and is immediately killed.
Does The Kid’s Gate Manipulation affects summons in a space with a Gate that were not summoned directly to that Gate? (E.g. Cthulhu summoning a Cultist in a R’lyeh space that contains a Gate)
Gate Manipulation works for any kind of summon as long as the space contains a gate.
Can Arcane Mastery be used on enemy attacks?
Effects that are used when making “a roll” or “any roll” may be used both in your rolls and rolls against you. This can be useful with Ian’s Vengeance Obsession, for example. Other Skills that affect ALL types of rolls, not only yours, are: -Elizabeth’s Lucky (Rerolls can be used in any roll) -Sister Beth’s High Strung
Do you roll bonus dice when the enemies attack?
You never add bonus dice you gain to rolls against you, unless the effect specifically says so. Rolls against you are rolls where each success is detrimental to you. Enemy attacks and Fire are examples of rolls against you. Another one is Hastur’s Final Stage effect.
Can you choose to not roll bonus dice from the Sanity Track?
You must always add them to your rolls (except rolls against you).
Is there a limit to the number of green or black dice you roll?
If you run out of dice remember the results.
When can you spend stress to reroll?
For any roll provided you have some to spend.
Can Rasputin sacrifice himself in the final stage of Hastur and come back to life?
The text “take wounds until dead” means that Rasputin can sacrifice himself and still stay alive. He takes wounds until he would be dead, satisfying Hastur effect, and then his ability resurrects him. (It does not trigger the end game condition because he is never actually killed) Note: Adilah preventing her Focus from dying with her Skill on Level 4 works in the same way as Rasputin Skill.
Can I “drop” an Investigator before the end of a Run using Swiftness Level 3? Also, can I pick up an Investigator in the middle of a Run?
Yes for both.
The decision of taking an investigator or not is made independently for each space the Investigator leaves during a Run. For example: Morgan starts his Run action in the same space as Sister Beth. When making his first move, he takes Sister Beth with him. For the second move he decides to leave Sister Beth in that space and takes no one with him when entering a space where Ian and Borden are. For his third move he decides to take Ian with him. And then, he decides to stop.
Related Rule(s)
If an Investigator with Brawling Level 4 makes an attack in the same space as Bokrug would it trigger its ability?
If Bokrug is one of the targets of the attack, its ability would trigger. Remember that you can target any number of figures with Brawling, which means you can choose to not target Bokrug to not trigger the ability, but in this case you wouldn’t be able to deal wounds to it.
Related Rule(s)
Does Rasputin keep his Discovery cards when he cheats death?
Rasputin keeps everything he had, including special tokens. The only thing that changes is that he heals and loses 1 free death.
While down because of Catatonia: Do you still take damage from effects? Can you be carried with Swiftness Level 3? Can you use Items and Skills?
The only things you can’t do while down are the ones listed: -You can’t be attacked. -You can’t Investigate. -You can’t move or be moved by any effect (Including Swiftness and Codependecy). -You can’t take actions other than Rest. That means you still take damage from effects (Like Chthonic Entity or Psychotic Outbreaks), you can still use effects that don’t take an action (Like Ahmed’s Healing Prayer Skill or some Items).
Can a Companion take more wounds than their health from an attack?
When taking wounds, you can choose how many of them will be applied to each of your Companions, but they can only take wounds up to their health. If there are any remaining wounds, they should be applied to another companion or to the Investigator.
Related Rule(s)
Are you forced to claim one of the options of a discovery card?
If an option says “you may”, it is optional. If both sides are optional, you can discard the card. If one side is non-optional, you must take one option (paying the cost if you can even if you don’t want to). If you cannot pay the cost of either options, discard the card.
Related Rule(s)
When can a discovery card be used? Does it require an action?
Using a discovery card doesn’t require the Investigator to use an action. If it’s not specified when the investigator may use an effect from a Discovery card, it may be used anytime during their turn. However, it cannot be used while resolving another card, effect, or during a roll. This includes, for example, being attacked by an enemy, resolving an action and end of turn effects. You may not use while resolving them but may do it before or after any of them.
Can you choose to not Investigate?
If the Investigator is Safe and there are any Discovery Cards in the deck, they have to Investigate.
Do I shuffle the discovery deck once it is depleted?
You only reshuffle if an effect instructs you to do so. If the deck is depleted Investigators don’t Investigate anymore.
Can I have more than one discovery card on each side of the investigator board?
Related Rule(s)
In which instances do you take wounds if you cannot take stress?
All instances where this happens are specifically described on the card (Mythos or Discovery). Usually, if you are maxed out on stress, nothing happens if you would take additional stress. Also, you CANNOT take a discovery card option that requires you to take stress if you don’t have the required amount of stress to take.
Do you shuffle the mythos deck when you advance the Elder One because of a card with three symbols?
You always shuffle when the Elder One advances.
Is defeating a stage of the Elder One counted as killing an enemy (relevant for some scenario specific triggers)?
Do effects that trigger when the Elder advances also trigger when the Token advances (after the Elder One was summoned)?
The Token advancing is considered the same as the Elder One advancing.
When does the insanity activate in relation to other events?
When you reach an Insanity Threshold on your Sanity track, you first activate your Insanity, and then level up a skill. If the sanity was lost because of tentacles rolled, the insanity only activates after resolving the other effects of the roll. This happens because the tentacles are only applied after all other effects. If the sanity was lost because of another effect, you first completely resolve the effect and then you activate your insanity. If multiple Investigators should activate their insanity at the same time, they activate in clockwise order, starting from the current player.
Can you decrease your Sanity track?
Right now there are no rules or effects that recover your sanity. That includes Rasputin when he refuses to die (only reset his wounds).
Related Rule(s)
Is Toughness Level 2 protection both 1 Health *and* 1 Sanity or is it 1 Health *or* 1 Sanity?
It protects both 1 health and 1 sanity, but they are both optional.
Related Rule(s)
Does Borden with the Savage Skill apply one wound even when she got no success?
Related Rule(s)
How does The Kid’s Gate Manipulation interact with the Black Goat’s Dark Spawn?
If a Dark Spawn is summoned in a space affected by The Kid’s Gate Manipulation, it is wounded as soon as it is summoned. This means that it would take 2 wounds and summon another Dark Spawn in the space, which would take 2 wounds and summon another one and so on until all Dark Spawn figures available are on the board. All of the summoned Dark Spawn will have 1 health left. Note: If the summon effect was from the Stage I of Black Goat, after all remaining Dark Spawn are summoned, they all take 1 wound and are killed.
What happens if your Recurring Trauma activates and the Mythos card makes you lose enough sanity to hit another sanity threshold, activating the Trauma again?
In this case, you would trigger the Trauma again, which means you would hit another threshold, which activates the Trauma again and so on until you go completely Insane. Recurring Trauma can be really dangerous if you are at the end of the Sanity Track. This shouldn’t be common though, since it requires a last drawn Mythos card without Summoning Symbol that makes you lose sanity, and you have to be at the very end of the track. Remember to always replace the Mythos card with the last one drawn with no Symbol, even if it wasn’t drawn by the Investigator with Recurring Trauma. Also, the Mythos card next to your Trauma is always shuffled back when the Elder One advances.
If you move somewhere due to any effect other than a Run action, do you collect Fire tokens?
You do collect Fire. You should move through spaces until you reach the target space, catching Fire from spaces you leave. Examples of effects that move a Investigator are: Codependency, Psychotic Outbreak or Roxie’s “Get in there!” Skill.
Related Rule(s)
If you need to add a Fire token to the board and there are none left, but there are some on your Investigator board, should you swap the one on your board with a wound token and place it on the board?
The number of Fire tokens on the board is only limited to the number of Fire tokens available for the episode, so if there are some available on Investigator boards, you can use them (but replace with wound tokens, because the investigator is still on fire).
Related Rule(s)
Can Fire be extinguished in every Episode?
Only if the Episode card specifies a way to do it (like the Extinguish Fire action).
Related Rule(s)
During the game, can only the number of Monsters and Cultists that were placed on the board during Setup be summoned?
During Setup you must take ALL the figures for the enemies shown on the Elder One Minions and Episode Monsters cards. Any that are not placed on the board initially are left in reserve to be summoned later.
Related Rule(s)
In what order are end of turn effects resolved?
- First, end of turn effects which are not from the Elder One resolve, in whatever order the player wants. - Then do the in-between stuff. In that order, resolve fire damage, check Mythos pile for advance, and verify summoning. - Finally, end of turn effects from the Elder One resolve, all of them one at a time in ascending stage order.
In what order are resolved effects that are triggered at the same time?
The Active player chooses the order.
When choosing between options, can I choose one that will have no effect? For example, can I choose to summon an enemy if there are no figures of that type available?
Unless stated otherwise, yes, you may choose an option that will have no effect due to component availability.
If an Investigator, brings another investigator with them when leaving a space, does the other investigator catches fire? When would the other Investigator have to roll for Fire tokens?
Investigators only need to roll for Fire at the end of their own turns.
Related Rule(s)
How is adjacency / within X spaces / X spaces away defined?
A space is considered to be adjacent, or 1 space away from another, if an investigator can move from one to the other with 1 move. A space is considered “within X spaces” or “X spaces away” from another if it is possible to reach one by moving up to X spaces starting from the other. The movement can be a move through a door, Staircase/Tunnel tokens or even an special ability that allows it (IE: Waitress companion from S1-E1). Note that means that spaces that can’t be accessed are not considered adjacent. For example, the Vault from S2-E1 “Strange Bedfellows” and the Alien Ship from Lost Episode 2 “Bright Lights, Big Monsters” are not considered adjacent or within X spaces from any other space, which, among other things, means that Marksman can’t be used to attack targets in those spaces. (Note: After the Vault is unlocked, adjacency to it is treated as normal).
How does “Sneak” from Stealth work?
“Sneak” means: When leaving a space, you may ignore one of the enemies there that would follow you (your choice), it stays on the space you were leaving. Stealth Level 2 allows you to Sneak up to 3 times per Run. Since you can choose to use it at any point of the Run action, you can, for example, make 3 enemies follow you through 2 spaces, and on the last move leave them behind. You can even choose to leave each enemy in a different space, by sneaking each of them when leaving a different space. You may also sneak past the same enemy more than once if you return to the original space and leave again, which is useful to inflict wounds with Stealth Level 3. Notice, though, that sneaking the same enemy twice would spend 2 of the Sneaks.
Can you rest with other enemies in your space while down because of Catatonia?
Catatonia says that you are Safe while down, which means you can Rest.
Season 1 - Episode 1 – Do “Destroyed Labs” count as “Damaged Labs”?
Damaged Labs are Labs that have wound tokens on them, which means that they weren’t destroyed yet.
Related Rule(s)
Season 1 - Episode 1 – Can you avoid wounds from Fire with Amulet of N’gahal even if there are no enemies in your space?
You have to be able to redirect the wounds to an enemy.
Related Rule(s)
Season 1 - Episode 1 – Can you attack a Lab one space away using Marksman?
The only way to deal wounds to a Lab is by using the “Destroy Equipment” action, which doesn’t count as an attack.
Related Rule(s)
Season 1 - Episode 2 – Where are the arrows in tile 8b / how is this tile oriented?
To the left of the Cultist.
Related Rule(s)
Season 1 - Episode 2 – Does the same investigator needs to claim both tome tokens? Whats happens, when one investigator with a tome dies?
In this Episode two tome tokens must be claimed, but it doesn’t need to be by the same Investigator. You also don’t need investigators to be holding them to disrupt the ritual. If an investigator dies with a tome, that doesn’t affect the fact that the tome was already claimed.
Season 1 - Episode 3 – When you “Usher ball goers” does the investigator move along with them?
The investigator does not move.
Season 1 - Episode 3 – If you have the Waitress Companion, which enables you to move between gates, do enemies follow you through the gates as well or do they remain where they are?
They follow you when you are moving through a gate. You can also use Marksman to attack enemies through a gate.
Related Rule(s)
Season 1 - Episode 5 – Can the Tranquilizer Item be used in other player’s turns?
Abilities that say “Once per turn” can be used in other player’s turns.
Lost Episode 2 – Can you attack in or out the Alien Ship using Marksman? What does “When checking distance to it, use the Bright Light token space instead” mean?
You can’t attack with Marksman, because the Alien Ship is not adjacent to any space. This phrase explains how you should check the distance for effects that asks for the “nearest” space (For example, the Yithian ability).
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