Clear lands of Invaders before they Build. Often, a newly Explored land will have just 1 Explorer; moving or Destroying it before the next Invader Phase keeps the Invaders from building a Town there.
Destroy Invaders before they Ravage to keep them from harming the land and the Dahan.
Once Invaders Explore into a particular terrain, you know they’ll Build there next turn, and Ravage there the turn after that. That predictability is useful when planning how to use Slow Powers.
Focus most on land types about to Build or Ravage, as those are the most imminent threats.
Put your Presence close enough to the Invaders that you can use all your Powers on them.
Avoid lands where Invaders are about to Ravage and add Blight. It will Destroy your Presence.
Spread your Presence out across the Island so you can collaborate with other players. Three “1 Damage” Powers can Destroy a City!
Many Damaging Powers and beneficial Fear Effects require Sacred Sites, so put them close to the Invaders.
Into lands with a few Invaders. Many Fear Effects will scare off Invaders from lands with Dahan, or inspire the Dahan to take the offensive. If Invaders are about to Ravage there, surviving Dahan will fight back.
Into lands that you’re Defending. If you have enough Defend to protect the Dahan, they can fight back without losing any of their numbers.
Out of lands with many Invaders. If the Dahan will be wiped out when the Invaders Ravage, save them by getting them out of harm’s way!
Blight spreads quickly once it starts cascading. Try to clean up lands before a second Blight is added.
If you are having trouble finding good targets for your Powers, that can mean one of two things:
That you are winning! If you have the Invaders on the ropes, focus on achieving victory!
That your Presence/Sacred Sites aren’t close to the parts of the board you want to affect. Focus on getting Presence and Sacred Sites in places where your Powers will be able to reach the Invaders.
If you are feeling constantly low on Energy, try placing more Presence from your Energy Track, not using all of your Power Card plays, choosing less expensive Power Cards, or taking an Energy-granting Growth option for a turn or two.