Spirits affect things on the Island by playing Power Cards from their hand. A Spirit can play whichever cards they like each Spirit Phase, limited by two things:
1. They can only play as many cards as they have Card Plays available, which is the highest revealed number on the Card Plays (lower) Presence track.
2. They must have enough Energy to pay for the cards they play.
Every turn, each Spirit gains Energy equal to the highest revealed amount on their “Energy/Turn” Presence Track.
Unspent Energy carries over to the next turn. Energy is individual and cannot be transferred between Spirits.
Card Plays are also individual and cannot be shared with other Spirits. Unused Card Plays do not carry over to future turns.
A card’s Energy cost is in the circle in the top left corner of the card.
Energy can be gained from Growth Options or the “Energy/Turn” (upper) Presence track on the Spirit Panel.