Spirits affect the game using Powers, which are either Power Cards or Innate Powers printed on a Spirit Panel. Innate Powers function similarly to Power Cards, except they are automatically available every turn (i.e. do not use Card Plays) and require having certain Elements rather than spending Energy.
1. Energy Cost (Power Cards only)
2. Power Name
3. Elements Gained (Power Cards only): There are eight Elements: Sun, Moon, Fire, Air, Water, Earth, Plant, and Animal. While a Power Card is in Play, you have the Elements shown.
Some Powers have extra effects if you have gained specific Elements. Elements do not carry over from turn to turn. You have Elements from the moment you pay for a Power Card, regardless of whether the Power is Fast or Slow, and they go away as soon as it leaves play (usually during Time Passes).
Powers that have Elemental thresholds do not spend or use up Elements that you have. If you have the Elements in Play, you meet the thresholds.
4. Speed: Fast Powers resolve their effects before the Invader Phase, while Slow Powers resolve their effects afterwards. Power Cards also show their speed by a red or blue ring around the Energy cost.
5. Range: How many lands away from your Presence this Power can reach. This is a maximum; you can always use a shorter Range. A Range of 0 means a land where you have Presence.
Some Powers have limitations on what sort of land you can use them from (such as only from a Sacred Site, or only from a specific terrain); these are shown left of the range icon.
6. Target: What land type this Power can affect. Most Powers can target any type of land, but some are restricted by terrain, what’s in the land, or whether it’s Coastal/Inland. Powers always target one single land unless explicitly stated. Some Powers target a Spirit instead of a land.
7. Effects (Power Cards only): What the Power does. All effects take place in the single target land unless explicitly stated otherwise. (“Destroy all Towns“ means “Destroy all Towns in target land”, not “Destroy all Towns in the game”!)
Perform effects in order, skipping any that cannot be followed. Effects that do not change anything on the board - such as “Skip all Invader Actions” - last only for the current turn.
Any italicized text (like this) is a reminder of normal game rules.
8. Elemental Thresholds: Optional effects which may only be used if the Spirit has gained certain Elements this turn. The required Elements are not “used up”; the threshold is simply a check to see if they are in play. For instance, a Spirit with 2 Water in play could meet any number of thresholds requiring 2 Water. You may always resolve a Power as if you had fewer Elements than you actually do. Resolve the base effect and all threshold effects that you meet, in order from top to bottom.