Is there a player order in the Spirit Phase?
Not really
Players act simultaneously within each phase, conferring as they wish. Table talk is not just allowed; it’s likely necessary for victory!
When does the Spirit Phase end?
Once all players have Grown, gained their Energy, and played their Power Cards for this turn, paying their costs as they do, it’s time to proceed on to the Fast Power Phase.
What happens in the Spirit Phase?
Each Spirit does three things, in the following order: Growth, Gain Energy, Play and Pay for Power cards.
What happens in the Time Passes Phase?
This is the wrap-up phase at the end of each turn.
Can I choose to use my Fast Powers later in the Slow Power Phase?
You can’t delay using a Fast Power until the Slow Phase, even if you want to. Use it now or forego it. You don't get your Energy back for foregoing a played Power card.
What is Slow Power Phase?
In Slow Power Phase players resolve Slow Powers, both the Innate Powers printed on their Spirit Panel and any Power Cards they played.
In which order do I resolve my Fast Powers?
You choose
Powers may be resolved in whatever order the players want, so long as no Power interrupts another partway through
What is Fast Power Phase?
Players resolve Fast Powers — both Innate Powers printed on their Spirit Panel and Power Cards they played.
Do players take turns to play?
Not really
Players act simultaneously within each phase, conferring as they wish. Table talk is not just allowed; it’s likely necessary for victory!
What is the Phase sequence in a round?
1. Spirit Phase
2. Fast Power Phase
3. Invader Phase
4. Slow Power Phase
5. Time Passes
Who decided on where to resolve some game effects?
When the game calls for a decision (where Blight cascades to, which Invaders to do Damage to, etc) and it’s not specified who makes it, what do you do? If the decision springs from a Power, the Spirit using the Power makes the decision.
If my Special Rule increases the Damage of my Powers and I Repeat that Power, do I get another Damage increse?
Any changes to a power carry over to the Repeat — eg: having its Damage increased by Devouring Teeth Lurk Underfoot, or its Range / Speed boosted by Sun-Bright Whirlwind.
Can I Repeat a Power with Repeat in a loop?
In all cases, Repeats never cause further Repeats, so you can’t end up in an infinite loop.
How many cards allow me to Repeat Powers?
The three cards with Repeat are all Major Powers - The Land Thrashes in Furious Pain, Winds of Rust and Atrophy, Powerstorm.
What does Repeat do?
Repeating a Power means “use the Power’s text effects again”. It doesn’t grant the Elements along a card’s left-hand side again, just the text effects.
If I Remove Blight from the Island, where do I place it?
To Blight pool
Some Powers let you Remove Blight. When you remove Blight from the Island, return it to the Blight Pool.
Can I remove Blight from the Island?
Some Powers let you Remove Blight. When you remove Blight from the Island, return it to the Blight Pool.
How can I track which lands have Defend effect applied to them?
Reminder tokens
Each player has optional Markers you can use to help you remember that a land is Defended this turn.
Doe multiple Defend effects stack in a single land?
If multiple Defend effects are used in one land, they add together.
Do Defend effect only protect against Damage done to land and NOT from Damage done to Dahan?
No, for example “Defend 2” means “Whenever Invaders deal Damage in target land this turn, reduce by 2 the Damage done to the land AND to Dahan.”
What does Defend do?
Some Powers let you Defend a target land, which reduces Damage done by Invaders to the land and/or Dahan. “Defend 2” means “Whenever Invaders deal Damage in target land this turn, reduce by 2 the Damage done to the land and to Dahan.”
If I Downgrade a Town or a City do I receive Fear?
Downgrade is a special form of Replace, so it follows all of the Replace rules (doesn’t generate Fear, preserves Damage taken, etc.)
What does Downgrade mean?
Some effects Downgrade Invaders, representing gradual population loss. To Downgrade an Invader, Replace it with the next smallest Invader piece. Downgrade is a special form of Replace, so it follows all of the Replace rules (doesn’t generate Fear, preserves Damage taken, etc.)
What happens if I Replace a Damaged Invader to a one that has less Health?
It is Destroyed
To Replace an Invader: first you remove the Invader, then you put something else in its place. A Replaced Invader keeps any Damage it had. If the new Invaders thus has Damage dealt to it equal to its Health, it is Destroyed.
What does Replace mean?
To Replace an Invader: first you remove the Invader, then you put something else in its place. A Replaced Invader keeps any Damage it had. Removing or Replacing Town or City tokens DON'T generate Fear.
What is the difference between Removing and Destroying an Invader?
Removing or Replacing Town or City tokens DON'T generate Fear, while Destorying them - does.
Do I receive Fear for Removing Towns or Cities?
Some effects Remove Invaders, representing them fleeing in terror. Return the specified pieces to the supply. Removing or Replacing Town or City tokens DON'T generate Fear.
What does Remove mean?
Some effects Remove Invaders, representing them fleeing in terror. Return the specified pieces to the supply. Removing or Replacing Town or City tokens DON'T generate Fear.
Are there any bonuses for Destroying Invaders?
Yes, for some
Destroying a Town generates 1 Fear and Destroying a City generates 2 Fear, but Removing or Replacing does not.
When is a piece Destroyed?
Many Powers Destroy Invaders outright. Return the specified pieces to the supply. Additionaly, Invaders and Dahan are Destroyed when they are deal Damage equal to their Health.
My Power card says: 1 Damage, can I choose to deal it to Dahan?
Any time a Power, Fear Card, or other game rule does Damage, it always means “Damage to Invaders” unless explicitly specified otherwise. Most Spirit Powers do not harm the land or Dahan.
Can I only Push to adjacent lands?
You can only Push into a valid adjacent land, not off the board or into the Ocean.
Can I only Gather from adjacent lands?
Gather only pulls things in from lands adjacent to the target; boosts to a Power’s Range do not affect Gathering distance.
If I Gather multiple things, do they all have to come from the same land?
If Gathering multiple things, they may come from different adjacent lands.
Where can I Push to?
Other lands
You can only Push into a valid land, not off the board or into the Ocean.
If I Push multiple things, do all of them have to be pushed to the same land?
If Pushing multiple things, they may go to different lands or not, as you wish.
Waht does keyword Push do?
This is the exact reverse of Gather. Push means “Move that many things out of the target land, to adjacent land(s)”.
What does keyword Gather do?
This is the exact reverse of Push. Gather means “Move that many things into the target land from land(s) adjacent to it”.
Is there any limitation on when I can Reclaim cards?
No limitations
You may choose to Reclaim cards even if you still have cards in hand or even if you don't have any cards in your discard pile.
How can I Reclaim cards?
You may Reclaim cards by choosing your first Growth option at the begining of each Spirit Phase.
What is Reclaiming cards?
Reclaiming cards is an ability that allows you to return your previously played Power cards back to your hand.
Which Power cards can I choose to Forget?
Almost any
To Forget a Power card, you permanently lose a Power Card from your hand, discard pile, or in play. If you forget a card that you had in play, but haven't resolved yet, you lose its Elements and won't get to resolve it. You also don't get back the Energy spent to play that card.
Can I Forget the Major Power card that I have just Gained?
You may choose to Forget a Major Power card that you have just Gained.
Is there any difference in Gaining a Minor or a Major Power card?
Each time you Gain a Major Power card, you must permanently lose one of your cards.
Can I use newly Gained Power cards during the same turn?
New Power Cards always go into your hand and can used in the same turn when you Gain them.
Can I choose which Power card type to gain?
Whenever you’re told to “Gain a Power Card”: choose whether you’re gaining a Minor or Major Power.
What are Remider tokens used for?
For Reminders
A few Powers have temporary effects on a land. You may use Reminder tokens to mark such lands. Just remember to remove them at the end of the turn!
Can I use a Power cards effect multiple times if I pay its cost multiple times?
A golden rule goes as follows - One Land! One Turn! One Use!
Do Defend effect stay on lands until Damage is dealt to it?
All effects stay in play only for a single turn. A golden rule goes as follows - One Land! One Turn! One Use!
Can I target multiple lands with a single Power cards?
A golden rule goes as follows - One Land! One Turn! One Use!
What does Range 0 means?
A Range of 0 means a land where you have Presence.
Is there a limit to how many Elements I can have?
There is no limit to how many Elements you can have. You gain Elements from playing Power cards as well as from your Spirit's Progression tracks. While a Power Card is in Play, you have the Elements shown.
What is an Element?
There are eight Elements: Sun, Moon, Fire, Air, Water, Earth, Plant, and Animal. Elements are required to use your Spirits' Innate Power, which is an additional free action.
What is a Spirit's Special Rule?
Each Spirit has their own Special Rule that changes the way they play.
Can I use Powers, if there is no eligible target for them?
Sometimes, it is beneficial to play Power cards just to receive Elements from them, and not for their main effects.
What is Range?
Range - how many lands away from your Presence you can use a Power or effect.
What is Speed?
Power's Speed determines in which Phase will it be resolved - before or after Invaders take their actions.
If I a Power requires my to have some Elements to use its effect, do I spend the Elements?
Optional effects which may only be used if the Spirit has gained certain Elements this turn. The required Elements are not “used up”; the threshold is simply a check to see if they are in play.
Do I receive Elements from Power cards that I haven't yet resolved?
You receive Elements from all your played Power cards even if you haven't yet resolved them or decide to not resolve their effects.
Waht is a Power card?
All player cards are generaly called Power cards. There are a total of three types of Power cards - Unique, Minor and Majot Power cards.
How much Damage do Dahan deal?
2 Damage
Each surviving Dahan deal 2 Damage to Invaders after they finish their Ravage action in a land with Dahan.
Is Damaged Dahan healed at the end of the round?
All damaged Invaders as well as Dahan get healed at the end of each round.
How much Health do Dahan have?
2 Health
Each Dahan has 2 Health in total. If they receive 1 Damage, turn them to the Damaged side.
Can I return Destroyed Dahan back to the board?
If Dahan get Destroyed because of the Invaders or your Powers, they get removed from the board.
Do I choose to which the Dahan deal damage to?
You choose to which Invaders Dahan will deal Damage, as long as they are all present in the same land.
Can players control the Dahan?
Dahan are symbolising the native, semi-nomadic human inhabitants of the Island. You don't control them, but you may move them around the Island as a result of your Powers and if you Defend them from the Invaders, they will fight them back.
What are Dahan?
The Dahan are the native, semi-nomadic human inhabitants of the Island. They coexist well with the land and the Spirits. They also aren’t too thrilled about the Invaders’ colonization, but are wary of initiating violence.
Does Spirit Presence get Destroyed, if it added to a land as a result of Power card effect?
Blight added to lands during the game requires you to Destroy one Presence from each Spirit with Presence in those lands. It doesn't matter what is the reason of Blight appearing on the Island, it always requires you to Destroy Presence in those lands.
Does Spirit Presence get Destroyed if a Blight is added as a result of a Cascade?
Can Cascade chain from one another?
If you add Blight to an adjacent land as a result of a Cascade and it also already has Blight in it, you must Cascade from that land again, etc.
Is Blight added to all adjacent lands, if a Cascade happens?
You only add one additional Blight to any one adjacent land from a Cascade.
What is Cascade?
Cascade: If the land already has any Blight and you need to add another Bllight to it, you also add one additional Blight to any one adjacent land.
When adding Blight to a land with Spirit Presence, is all Presence destoryed?
Destroy one Presence from each Spirit with Presence in a land to which you add a Blilght token. This is true even if Blight is added as a result of a Cascade.
Why adding Blight to the board is bad?
After Setup, whenever you add Blight to a land, in that land, Destroy one Presence from each Spirit with Presence there (including when Blight cascades). Destroyed Presence is placed next to the Island, not returned to the Spirit Panels. Additionally, if the Blight pool is ever empty, you lose the game.
From where do I add Blight to the board during play?
From the Blight pool
When you add Blight to the Island during play, take it from the Blight Pool.
What is Blight?
Invaders slowly but inexorably Blight the land. A certain amount of Blight is normal in nature — such as damage from a forest fire — but too much will overwhelm the Island.
How do I know if a City is dealt 2 Damage?
If a City take a second damage, put an Energy Marker by it to note that it has taken another damage.
How do I track how much Damage has been dealt to Invaders?
Different Invader pieces have different amount of Health. Explorers have 1 Helath, Towns have 2 Health and Cities have 3 Health. If 1 damage is dealt to Towns or Cities, you flip their tokens to the other side.
Do Damaged Invaders get healed?
All dealt Damage is healed at the end of each round. To fully Destroy an Invader Town or City, you must do so in a single turn.
What counts as a source of Invaders?
Source of Invaders is important during Invader Explore action. New Explorers only appear in lands that have or are adjacent to source of Invaders and those are - Town, Cities and Ocean.
Do Invaders directly attack the Spirits?
Invaders don't directly attack or damage Spirits. Invaders only damage the land and Dahan as a result of their Ravage action.
What is counted as an Invader?
Invaders is a general term that refers to Explorers, Towns and Cities.
Can I choose to skip using an Innate Power effect?
You resolve the base effect and all threshold effects that you meet, in order from top to bottom. You may also choose to skip using any of the achieved effects, unless it says that it is mandatory.
Do I have to choose which Innate Power effect to use?
Not really
Innate Power effects operate as thresholds. You resolve the base effect and all threshold effects that you meet, in order from top to bottom. Exception: If a threshold says “Instead”, it replaces the effects of previous levels.
Does Innate Powers count towards the Card Play limit each round?
Innate Powers don't count for the sake of Card Play limit and are basically an additional free action you can perform each turn.
What is an Innate Power?
Each Spirit has their own unique Innate Power. Each Innate Power has their own Speed, Range and Target, but they don't cost Energy to use. Rather they require you to have enough Elements to use their bonuses. Innate Powers don't count for the sake of Card Play limit and are basically an additional free action you can perform each turn.
What happens if my Presence Tracks don't have any more Presence tokens?
Whenever you would Add a Presence from your Presence track, you may instead use one of your Presence from anywhere on the Island. This is most often useful if all your Presence is in play: you can still reposition it.
Do I return Destroyed Presence back to my Presence Tracks?
Destroyed Presence is removed from the game. Once you take a Presence token off your Presence Tracks, they never return back there.
How do I receive the bonuses from my Presence Tracks?
You can't actively use the bonuses provided by your Presence Tracks, but rather they are active all the time, once they are uncovered.
What is a Presence Track?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
How can I return my previously played cards back to my hand?
You may return previously played Power cards from choosing your first Growth option.
How can I place new Presence tokens to the Island?
Via Growth
You primarily place new Growth tokens to the Island from your chosen Grwoth options.
How can I gain new Power cards?
You primarily gain new Power cards from your Growth options, but some Power cards also allow players to gain new Power cards.
Can I choose multiple Growth options in a single turn?
You must only choose a single Growth option each turn.
Can I forgo taking any Growth option?
You must choose a Growth option each round.
What is Growth?
At the begining of each Spirit Phase, each player chooses one of their Growth options and gains all associated bonuses from it.
Can I share my Energy with another player?
Each player can only use their own Energy and they can't share them with other players. There are some Power card effects that allow you to target other players to receive Energy, though.
How much Energy do I get each turn?
It depends
You get Energy each turn based on the highest uncovered number on your Energy Track.
How can I get Energy?
You get Energy each turn based on the highest uncovered number on your Energy Track. You may also get additional Energy from some Growth options.
Are there any limitations on which Power cards I can play?
Not really
There are two main rules that you must follow when playing Power cards - you must not play more cards than your Card play Track allows and you must pay the Energy cost of your played Power cards in full.
How many Power cards can I play?
It depends
Each Spirit's Card Play track shows how many Power cards they can play each turn.
Can a land be an Inland land and a Coastal land at the same time?
Where do I place removed Presence to?
Out of game
Any Presence that is removed from the Island is removed from the game.
What do Presence tokens do?
Presence tokens determine in which lands you are "considered" to be in and from which lands you may use your Powers from.
Which lands are "my lands"?
Some card effects refer to "my land". Any land that has your Presence tokens in them is considered to be "your land".
Can multiple players have a Sacred Site in the same land?
Multiple players can have their Sacred Site in the same land.
Can multiple players have their Presence tokens in the land?
Multiple players can have their Presence tokens present in the same land.
What is a Sacred Site?
Any land with 2 or more of your Presence tokens is considered to have your Sacred Site in it. Multiple players can have their Sacred Site in the same land.
What is Spirit Presence?
Round tokens are called Spirit Presence and they signify in which your Spirit is considered to be in.
What lands are there?
There are four different types of terrain a land can be - Jungle, Mountian, Sands or Wasteland.
What is a Board?
The Island is divided into 2 or 3 Boards. They are separated by a brown line and it is only important for setup purposes.
How do I gain Fear cards?
By gaining all Fear tokens from your Fear pool you earn 1 Fear card.
How many Fear do I get for Destroying a City?
2 Fear
You earn 2 Fear for destroying a City.
How many Fear do I get for Destroying a Town?
1 Fear
You earn 1 Fear for destroying a Town.
How can I get Fear?
You earn Fear from Powers and by destroying Towns and Cities.
What is my Terror Level at the start of the game?
You start the game at Terror Level 1.
What is Terror Level?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
What is Fear?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
What happens if I win and lose at the same time?
This is a special situation in which you win a Sacrifice Victory: you are destroyed, but the Island, the Dahan, and many other Spirits survive.
How can I win?
You win as soon as you complete your current victory condition determined by your Terror Level.
How can I lose?
There are three ways in which you can lose the game.
Can I use Spirits from Spirit Island or its expansion in Horizons of Spirit Island?
Yes, any Spirit from this game or any other Spirit Island game/expansion can be used to play Horizons of Spirit Island.
Can I play with more than 3 players?
No, Horizons of Spirit Island uses a game board that is balanced and designed to be played at most with 3 players. However, the original Spirit Island game can be played with more than 3 players.
Can I choose on which side of the board to play?
The side you use is based on the number of players in the game. If you are playing a solo game or with 2 players, you use the 2 player side. If you are playing with 3 players, you use the 3 player side of the board.
Which side of the board do I use for a solo game?
2 player side
When playing solo, you use the 2 player side of the game board.
How do I create an Invader deck?
You randomly return back to the box 1 card from each Tier, then you place all remaining Tier II card on top of Tier III cards. Finally, you place remaining Tier I cards on top of that to finish the Invader deck.
Do I use all Invader cards each game?
No, you randomly return 1 Invader card from each Tier I, Tier II and Tier III piles back to the box.
Do I need to use both Terror Level cards?
When preparing the Fear deck you place the Terror Level III card 3 cards from the bottom and the Terror Level II card 3 cards above that. As a result the Fear deck is divided into 3 groups of 3 cards each.
How many Fear cards are used to create a Fear deck?
You always randomly and without looking select 9 Fear cards from which to create a Fear deck.
Does the amount of Fear cards in the Fear deck change based on the number of players?
You always randomly and without looking select 9 Fear cards that will be used in the game to create a Fear deck.
How many Blight tokens are used in a solo game?
You add 5 Blight tokens per player + 1 additional token to the Blight pool during setup. In a solo player game your Blight pool will have 6 tokens in total. Return other unused Blight tokens back to the box.
How many Blight tokens are used in a 2 player game?
You add 5 Blight tokens per player + 1 additional token to the Blight pool during setup. In a 2 player game your Blight pool will have 11 tokens in total. Return other unused Blight tokens back to the box.
How many Blight tokens are used in a 3 player game?
You add 5 Blight tokens per player + 1 additional token to the Blight pool during setup. In a 3 player game your Blight pool will have 16 tokens in total. Return other unused Blight tokens back to the box.
How many Fear tokens are used in a 3 player game?
You add 4 Fear tokens per player to the Fear pool during setup. In a 3 player game your Fear pool will have 12 tokens in total. Return other unused Fear tokens back to the box.
How many Fear tokens are used in a 2 player game?
You add 4 Fear tokens per player to the Fear pool during setup. In a 2 player game your Fear pool will have 8 tokens in total. Return other unused Fear tokens back to the box.
How many Fear tokens are used in a solo player game?
You add 4 Fear tokens per player to the Fear pool during setup. In a solo player game your Fear pool will have 4 tokens in total. Return other unused Fear tokens back to the box.
Do I need to shuffle the Minor and Major cards together?
You need to shuffle the Minor and Major Power card decks separately.
Is each player limited to play only inside their starting Island board?
Players start in different Island boards only during setup. Afterwards, players may spread across all Island.
Can multiple Spirits start in adjacent lands during setup?
Each player must select a different Board in which to start the game.
What do players receive during setup?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Do Invaders perform all their action during setup?
As the last step of setup, Invaders only perform their Explore action and move the revealed Invader card to the Build action space.
What happens during the Invader Phase?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Can I decide to save gained Fear cards and use them in later rounds?
No, you must use all gained Fear cards during the next Invader Phase, even if they end up doing nothing.
Do I resolve all effects on Fear cards, if I have Terror Level 3?
You use only the effect listed under the current Terror Level.
Which effect do I resolve on my gained Fear cards?
You use only the effect listed under your current Terror Level.
What are Terror Level cards?
Terror Level cards represent the amount of accumulated fear in Invaders from your actions. Terror Level cards also unlock easier victory conditions for the players.
Do I immediatelly resolve gained Fear cards?
All gained Fear cards are resolved at the begining of the next Invader Phase.
When do gained Fear cards get resolved?
At Invader Phase
All gained Fear cards are resolved at the begining of the next Invader Phase.
Do Invaders deal damage to Spirit Presence tokens?
Invaders don't attack or deal damage to Spirits directly. They only damage the lands and Dahan.
Do Invaders deal less damage to Dahan if they damage the land?
Invaders damage the land and the Dahan in it for the same amount of damage. Invader damage can only be reduced by Defend effects applied from various Powers.
In which order do Invader Ravage the lands?
You choose
You choose in which order Invaders perform their Ravage action, but they perform it all possible lands.
How much Damage do Dahan deal?
2 damage
Each surviving Dahan deal 2 damage to Invaders after they finish dealing their damage during the Ravage Invader action.
When do Dahan fight back against Invaders?
After Invaders deal their damage in the land any surviving Dahan fight back. Even if Invaders do no damage to the land, Dahan still fight back.
How many Blight tokens are added to damaged lands after invader Ravage actions?
Only 1
It doesn't matter how many damage Invaders deal to the land, if they deal at least 2 damage, you need to add 1 Blight token to it from the Blight pool. You never add more than 1 Blight token to lands as a result of a single Ravage action.
Waht happens if Invaders 2 or more Damage to a land during their Ravage action?
If Invaders deal 2 or more damage to a land during their Ravage action, you add 1 Blight token to it from the Blight pool and remove 1 Spirit Presence tokens from each Spirit in that land from the game.
Waht happens if Invaders only deal 1 Damage to a land/Dahan during the Ravage action?
How much Damage do Cities deal during Invader Ravage actions?
3 damage
Cities deal 3 Damage to lands and Dahan during Invader Ravage actions.
How much Damage do Towns deal during Invader Ravage actions?
2 damage
Towns deal 2 Damage to lands and Dahan during Invader Ravage actions.
How much Damage do Explorers deal during Invader Ravage actions?
1 damage
Explorers deal 1 Damage to lands and Dahan during Invader Ravage actions.
What happens during Invader Ravage action?
Invaders damage lands and destroy Dahan during their Ravage action.
Do Invaders Build in lands without any Invader tokens?
Invaders only Build in lands in which they have at least 1 Invader token - Explorer, Town or a City.
When Invaders Build a City does it replace a Town in those lands?
When Invaders Build a City, you add it in addition to any other tokens already present in those lands. Nothing is replaced during Invader actions, only new tokens are added to the Island.
When do Invaders Build new Towns?
During Invader Build action they Build new Towns and Cities on the Island. Invaders Build a Town in all lands during their Build action, unless they have more Towns than Cities in them. In those cases, they Build a City.
When do Invaders Build new Cities?
During Invader Build action they Build new Towns and Cities on the Island. In all lands that have more Towns, than Cities, Invaders Build a new City. In all other cases, they Build a Town.
What happpends during Invader Build action?
New Towns and/or Cities appear on the Island as a result of Invader Build action.
What happens during Invader Explore action?
New Explorers appear on the Island as a result of Invader Explore action.
To which lands do Invaders add Explorers during their Explore action?
Explorers are added to Coastal lands, to lands that are adjacent to or contain Towns and/or Cities.
When do new Invaders appear on the Island?
New Invaders appear on the Island during the Explore and/or Build Invader actions.
How does a card appear in Build or Ravage Invader action space?
At the end of each Invader Phase you move all face up Invader cards one space to the left.
When do I move Invader cards?
At the end of each Invader Phase.
What does the Coastal Lands card do?
A single Tier II Invader card is a "Coastal lands" card. It allows Invaders to perform their actions in all Coastal Lands.
What are those Fort symbols on Tier 2 cards?
Fort symbols present on Tier II Invader cards are only used in an increased-difficulty game. Otherwise, they should be ignored.
Can I choose the sequence of lands in which to resolve Invader actions from Tier 3 cards?
All Tier III Invader cards show two terrain type in which Invaders perform their actions and you can choose in which terrain tyoe to perfom their actions first. Just make sure to not skip any land.
Why do Tier 3 cards show two terrain types?
All Tier III Invader cards show two terrain type in which Invaders perform their actions.
What happens, if someone made a mistake?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Is there a way to make the game more challenging?
Is there a way to make the game easier?
Does unspent energy carry over to the next turn?
What are origin lands?
The term "origin land" is used to refer to lands from which you are applying Power effects from.
What are coastal lands?
Lands adjacent to the Ocean are Coastal lands. They are separated from the Ocean with a light blue line.
What are adjacent lands?
Two lands are “adjacent” when they touch, even if they’re not on the same Island Board or meet only at a corner.
What is the brown border between the lands? Can I cross it?
Yes, you can cross it. It's just to help with the setup! It doesn't block any movement.
Why doesn't my gameboard have the quick turn reference graphic?
You have the older version of the game.