Ivan immediately obtains 4 .
Place 4 Materials of any type on this card. The Material type does not matter, simply take Materials from the pile that has the most.
Place all of the Materials from Ivan’s Inventory on top of his Construction card.
If there are currently no Materials on the Inventory card, skip the Transport action (while still moving a die on the Market board, as usual).
If he still has any Banners, put 1 on a Cathedral card according to this order of preference:
On a card directly above a section claimed or built by you (if there are multiple valid cards, choose any such a card).
On a base.
If neither of these conditions can be met, the player chooses which card Ivan claims. If the Workshop tile on that card grants , Ivan gets that
. Either way, any tile that he obtains is discarded.
Place all of the Materials on top of this card on the Cathedral sections under construction by Ivan. If there are currently no Materials on this card, skip the Construction action (while still moving a die on the Market board, as usual).
When Ivan takes this action, he does not need to match the specific resources indicated on the Cathedral cards. The only thing he must respect is the number of Materials required. (For example, if a section requires 2 lumber, 1 brick, and 1 gold, for Ivan it requires any 4 Materials). If that section is now completed, Ivan receives the that would normally be awarded.
To determine which card will receive the Materials, look from left to right, bottom to top. The first card claimed by Ivan that you find will be where the Materials are placed.
If Ivan has more Materials than are needed for this card, the extras are placed on the next Cathedral card he is building. For example, if the current card only needs 3 Materials to be completed, and Ivan has 4 to place, the 1 remaining will go to the next card.
If Ivan has more Materials than are needed to complete all of the cards he has claimed, leave the extra Materials on the Construction Solitaire card.