Can I build a second wall in front of another wall?
What is an arc?
An arc is numbered 1–6 and is half of a color.
When does the game end?
When you go through all the tokens, or the last tower is destroyed.
Can a Hero hit Monsters in the Castle ring?
What happens when I defeat a monster?
Can I hit the Monsters in the Forest ring?
How can I defeat monsters in the Castle ring?
You can paly "Drive Him Back!" or "Barbarian". Or you could hope for some lucky boulder rolls!
What is the hand size limit of cards?
Depends on the player amount: 1-2 players 6 cards; 3-5 players 5 cards and 6 players 4 cards
What if I have a full hand in the beginning of my turn?
Then you draw no new cards.
Do players draw in their first turn of the game?
Is it mandatory for the player have to discard and draw a card?
What if the deck runs out?
Shuffle the discard pile and make a new drawing deck.
What if the player has a full hand or more cards than a full hand?
Does the player have to trade?
No, he may choose not to trade.
When trading, do I have to take 1 card back (or vice versa)?
Trade is a trade always. You give one and take one back.
Where do I put the towers?
In a space of the Castle ring.
Where do I put the walls?
Between the Castle Ring and the Swordsman ring.
Where should I put new monsters?
During the setup of the game, in the Archer ring. Otherwise all monsters start in the Forest ring.
How do we win the game?
Defeat all the tokens and have at least one tower standing.
How do we lose the game?
You lose immediately when all the towers are destroyed.
Is Castle Panic a co-operative game?
Yes, you play against the monsters as a team.
Can I hit monsters in the Forest ring?
No. The only thing can damage monsters in the Forest ring is the giant boulders.