After placing Order Markers and before turns begin, each player rolls the 20-sided die for Initiative—to determine who goes first. The player who rolls the highest result wins Initiative and will take the first turn this round. Play then passes to the left. If there’s a tie for highest roll, the tying players reroll.
For example, Lee, Brad, and Mary are playing. Lee rolls a 7, Brad rolls a 15, and Mary also rolls a 15. Brad and Mary roll again to break the tie. This time Brad rolls a 1 and Mary rolls a 6. Mary won the tiebreaker and will take the first turn. She reveals her Order Marker 1 and takes her turn with that Army Card. Play then passes to her left, regardless of the remaining Initiative rolls. Turns continue until all players have taken all three of their turns. When the round ends after each player has taken their third turn, the players will again place their Order Markers and roll for Initiative for the next round.