The water wizard snaps her fingers, calling her loyal familiars off the chase. With unhurried steps, she slides her tentacled limbs into the stream and glides up the mountain river until she finds a suitable ridge. Her companions gather at her heels, but Ewashia merely waits. The ruffians must come through here if they are to reach the Wellspring. And this time, they do not have surprise on their side.
GOAL: The pirates seek to ascend the mountain. The Dryan seek to secure the area while sending a dire warning to their allies downstream.
SETUP: Place the figures where shown on the map.
VICTORY: The Pirate player wins if they control the brown region at the top of the map at the end of a round (at least one pirate and no Dryan in the region). The Dryan player wins if they control BOTH of the navy regions at the end of a round (at least one Dryan and no pirates in the region). Either player may also win if all of the opposing player’s figures are destroyed. If both players control their region at the end of the same round, or the game reaches the end of round 6, the Pirate player wins.
Player 1
1. Fia Bonny the Void Siren
2. Bok-Bur-Na
3. Killian Vane III
Player 2
4. Ewashia, Master of Tides
5. Kita the Springrunner
6. Onshu the Welkineye