Now it’s time for your Hero or Squad to attack any figures in your opponent’s Army that they can.
Who can attack? Any figures represented by your chosen Army Card that are within Range of an opponent’s figure and have a clear Line of Sight can attack. If no figure on your Army Card meets these two conditions, you can’t attack and your turn is over.
To see if a figure can attack, check the figure’s Range and Line of Sight as explained below:
• Range: The target figure must be within the attacking figure’s Range. For example, with a Range Value of 5, Bok-Bur-Na can attack any enemy within 5 spaces of him (as long as he can see it).
A figure with a Range Value of 1 can only attack a figure on an adjacent space.
A double-space figure like Raelin the Kyrie Warrior can attack from either space they occupy.
When checking a figure’s Range, don’t count extra spaces for higher levels. (However, being on a higher level is an advantage during an attack—see below.) If the distance between your figure and the target includes an area with no spaces (for example, near the edge of the battlefield), you must count the spaces along the edge of the battlefield to check the Range.
• Line of Sight: To attack a figure, your figure must be able to “see” it from its location. For example, if the target figure is behind a stack of tiles, so that the attacker can’t see any part of it, then no attack is possible.
Unlike Range, Line of Sight is an imaginary straight line that has nothing to do with the spaces on the battlefield. The best way to tell if your attacker has a clear Line of Sight is to get behind its head and look at the targeted figure. If you can see any part of it from its head, you have a clear Line of Sight.
Note: It doesn’t matter if the Line of Sight goes off the edge of the battlefield, with no spaces below it.
EXAMPLE: Range and Line of Sight
You want your Killian Vane III to attack Raakchott, Steward of Death.
1. First, you count the spaces from Killian Vane III to Raakchott, Steward of Death: Raakchott, Steward of Death is 4 spaces away, so they are within Killian Vane III’s Range.
2. Then, you check for a clear Line of Sight: Your Killian Vane III can “see” Raakchott, Steward of Death, so your Killian Vane III can attack.
If you’re attacking with a Squad, each figure represented by your chosen Army Card can attack, one at a time, in any order you choose. Each figure can attack only once per turn. Different figures may attack the same opposing figures or different opposing figures.