Warriors of Valhalla
These brave combatants will take up arms in The Battle of All Time. Know them well; they may fight under your command, or endeavor to crush your ambitions.
Ewashia, Master of Tides – Aquilla’s Wellspring-born power has allowed her to summon fantastic magical beings from across time and space to her side. The ferocious Ewashia, Master of Tides is one such warrior, who hails from the Dryan world of Arboreas. To her great pleasure, the waters of Valhalla respond to her magic just as those of her homeworld once did.
Until recently, no-one was aware Aquilla had such accomplished wizards at her beck and call. Ewashia and her fellows have kept to themselves, studying quietly in the heart of the Moon Tribe’s mountains. But the time has come to reveal their true power. And Ewashia has been quietly eager to try her newest spells in real combat.
Onshu the Welkineye – Moved by her love of her own loyal companion, Sujoah, Aquilla often summons beasts to befriend her wizards and help them feel more at home on Valhalla. Onshu is one such summon. As a welkineye he understands little of what has happened to him, but his high-spirited and wild nature makes him beloved by many in Aquilla’s lands.
Kita the Springrunner – It is said that upon her arrival, Ewashia petitioned Aquilla directly to summon the faithful Kita as well. This shy spring-runner is easily frightened and often employs her uncanny stealth to slip away from well-meaning wizards. Nevertheless, loyal Kita will stay with Ewashia and Onshu to the end. If the situation calls for it, she will give her all to save her friends.
Bok-Bur-Na – Marro, like any sentient species, have varied cultures. Some revel in a cruel caste system, engineering their own kin from birth to be servants and workers. But others are more egalitarian. To them, the hive is a source of comfort, and a way to feel belonging with their fellows in a harsh world.
When the sinister Valkyrie General Utgar summoned Marro indiscriminately to serve him, some were inevitably from different hives. Thus, Bok-Bur-Na has been separated from his kin. He misses them terribly. And he will do anything to make Utgar, and all the Valkyrie, pay dearly for the emptiness he now feels in his soul.
Killian Vane III – Killian Vane III is a simple man. He likes simple things, like excellent hats, and the smell of gunpowder, and lovely sunrises. He likes these things best when he is at home, on Earth, sitting on the deck of his very own pirate ship.
Killian Vane III does NOT care for being drafted into an eternal war on a distant world, where the sunrise is a little too green, and the gunpowder smells a little sour, and he can’t find a suitable new feather for his hat on any of the strange beasts that live here. And he intends to make his grievances known.
Fia Bonny the Void Siren – Behind her mask, Fia silently wonders how long it will take the Valkyrie to realize they are not the only ones who can reach between worlds.