To do this, choose a battlefield. The Battlefields and Scenarios section features several battlefields, each with its own story and step-by-step instructions for building it. The instructions start with the bottom layer and then build up from there. If this is your first game, we recommend you choose the first battlefield in Battlefields and Scenarios.
After you’ve chosen a Basic Game Scenario and built the battlefield, choose one of the Scenario’s available Armies. Place your Army Cards in front of you, then position your figures on the battlefield as shown in the Scenario.
With experience, you may want to build your own battlefields and create your own Scenarios and Armies. Go for it!
EXAMPLE: Your Army Cards (Basic Game Side)
You’ve chosen to be player 1. You’ve taken your 4 Army Cards and placed them in front of you, and you’ve placed your Army (all seven figures) on their starting positions as shown on the Scenario’s setup + diagram.