Once turns begin in step 3, you’ll use each turn to move and attack with the figure(s) represented by one of your Army Cards. During the Place Order Markers step, you must decide which Army Card you’ll use on which turn. Place Order Markers on those cards–1 for the first turn, 2 for the second turn, and 3 for the third turn. You may place two or more Order Markers on the same card, if you want to use that card for two, or even all three, of your turns that round. Be careful how you place your Order Markers! You cannot change them later, and you are committed to using those figures in that order during the round.
Players place their Order Markers at the same time. Place your Order Markers with the numbers facing you, so your opponent(s) can’t see them. (In games with more than two players, teammates can look at each other’s Order Markers.)
The “X” Order Marker: This extra marker is not used on any of your turns. It is a decoy to prevent your opponents from knowing which three Order Markers you actually intend to use. Place it carefully to misdirect your opponent, or trigger Special Powers of certain figures!
If your Army includes two or more of the same Common Army Card, you don’t need to keep these figures separate (that is, keep track of which figures belong to which card). Each Order Marker placed on a Common Army Card lets you activate any of your figures that belong to one of those Common cards, up to the number of figures displayed on the card. So, if you have two of the same Common Squad Army Card, each showing three figures, when you use either of those cards, you can activate any three matching figures.
EXAMPLE: You Place Your Order Markers
In this round, you decide to mobilize Admiral EJ-1M (first turn), Raakchott, Steward of Death (second turn), then Raakchott, Steward of Death again (third turn). You place the X Order Marker on the Knaves of the Silver Scimitar, to misdirect your opponent.