
Scenario 2: No Easy Way Out (Master)


Bok-Bur-Na hisses and takes another shot into the underbrush as irritating sonic screeches rip apart the surrounding cover. The wizard’s familiars are making everything more complicated than it needs to be. The ascent will be impossible if these beasts cannot be frightened away.

GOAL: Destroy all of your opponent’s figures.

SETUP: Place the figures where shown on the map.

VICTORY: When the other player has no figures left on the battlefield, you win! If the battle reaches the end of round 6, the game is over, and player 1 wins as the pirates escape further up the mountain.

Player 1

1. Fia Bonny the Void Siren

2. Bok-Bur-Na

3. Killian Vane III

Player 2

4. Ewashia, Master of Tides

5. Kita the Springrunner

6. Onshu the Welkineye