
Set-up your Battlefield


To do this, choose a battlefield and a matching Master Game Scenario from the Battlefields and Scenarios section. After you’ve played a few games, you may want to create your own battlefields and Scenarios!

Playing as a team:

Players can choose to play as a team. While teammates play the game separately, they can discuss strategy and offer advice. Victory Objectives for teams vary with the Scenario, but in most games, they work together toward a common goal. If you’re playing a team game, teammates should sit next to each other on one side of the table, facing their opponents.

Playing with Multiple Master Sets and/or Expansion Sets:

There are a few special rules for doing this.

About the Army Cards:

In this game, you’ll use the Master Game side of the Army Cards.

As in the Basic Game, each Army Card features either a Hero or a Squad, with Move, Range, Attack, and Defense Values. But you’ll notice that the Master Game side of each card has much more information about the figure than its Basic Game counterpart. As you play, you’ll become more familiar with how this information is used during gameplay. Example 1 explains the Army Card information.

EXAMPLE: Your Army Cards (Master Game Side)

1. Valkyrie Symbol: This symbol is the unique mark of the Valkyrie General the figure(s) follow.

2. Valkyrie: The Valkyrie General who the figure(s) on this Army Card serve. When building your own Army, you may combine Army Cards from any Valkyrie Generals to create an Army that is all your own.

3. Name: This is what the figure(s) on this Army Card are called. This name may be shortened or abbreviated in the Special Powers shown on the card.

4. Species: Biological classification of the figure(s).

5. Uniqueness: All Army Cards are either Unique or Common. When selecting Army Cards for your Army, you cannot select more than one of the same Unique Army Card. You may select any number of the same Common Army Card.

6. Hero / Squad: All Army Cards are either Hero or Squad cards. Hero cards feature a single figure, capable of acting on their own in the heat of battle. Squad cards feature two or more figures who act together. Your Army may include all Heroes, all Squads, or any combination.

7. Class: The type of figure. Special Powers may sometimes reference this.

8. Personality: The figure’s dominant behavior in the world of Heroscape. Special Powers may sometimes reference this.

9. Size: The overall weight category of the figure(s).

10. Height: The number of levels tall the figure(s) are.

11. Special Power(s): Most figures have one or more Special Powers that allow them to go above and beyond the standard attacking, moving, and defending.

12. Portrait: An image of the figure(s) whose Army Card this is.

13. Target Point: The green dot shows where you determine Line of Sight from on each figure.

14. Hit Zone: The red area shows what part of the figure(s) can be attacked. Used when determining Line of Sight.

15. Life: The number of wounds it takes to destroy each figure.

16. Move: The maximum number of spaces the figure(s) may move.

17. Range: The number of spaces away that the figure(s) may attack.

18. Attack: The number of dice you roll for the figure(s)’ normal attack.

19. Defense: The number of dice you roll when the figure(s) defend.

20. Points Cost: The cost of drafting this Army Card and its figure(s) into your Army.