
3. Attack with figures on the Army Card



Now it’s time for you to attack with your Hero or Squad.

Who can attack? Any figure(s) represented by your chosen Army Card that are within Range and have a clear Line of Sight to a target can attack. If no figure on your Army Card meets these two conditions, then no attack is possible.

Looking for hidden figures: At any time, feel free to walk around the battlefield to find out which figures are hiding behind raised terrain areas or walls, for example. As you explore in this way, the other players may want to shield their Order Markers so you can’t see them.

Before attacking with a figure, check its Range and Line of Sight as follows:

• Range: A targeted figure must be within the attacking figure’s Range. For example, Bok-Bur-Na has a Range Value of 5, so he can attack any figure within 5 spaces of himself (that he has Line of Sight to).

A figure with a Range of 1 can only attack a figure in an adjacent space.

A double-space figure can attack from either space it occupies.

When checking Range, don’t count extra spaces for any difference in levels.

If the distance between your figure and the target figure includes an area with no spaces (for example, near the edge of the battlefield), you may still attack it, but you must count the spaces along the edge of the battlefield to check the Range.

Engaged figures: If one of your figures is engaged with one or more opposing figures, your figure may attack only those figures. Note: A figure does not need Line of Sight to attack a figure that it is engaged with or adjacent to.

Attacking around other figures: You may attack figures even if other figures are between your figure and the target figure, but you must still have a clear Line of Sight to attack.

• Line of Sight: To attack a target figure, your figure must be able to “see” it from its location. Line of Sight is an imaginary straight line between your attacking figure’s Target Point and the target figure’s Hit Zone, which are shown on those figures’ Army Cards. The Target Point is the green dot on the attacking figure, and the Hit Zone is the red area on the target figure. Unlike Range, Line of Sight has nothing to do with the spaces on the battlefield.

To determine if there is a clear Line of Sight, check the Target Point and the Hit Zone. Then get behind your figure and look to see if its Target Point can “see” any part of the target figure’s Hit Zone. If so, there is a clear Line of Sight.

For example, if the target figure is behind walls or a cliff so that your figure can’t “see” it, then no attack is possible. The only exception to this rule is if a figure is engaged with or adjacent to another figure—A figure does not need Line of Sight to attack a figure that it is engaged with or adjacent to.

If players disagree about whether or not there is a clear Line of Sight, roll the 20-sided die. The player who rolls higher gets to make the call.

Adjusting Figures: Players may only touch or move their own figures, and may do so only on their own turns. For example, you cannot adjust your figure out of the Line of Sight during an opponent’s turn!

Example 19 shows how to determine if a targeted figure is within an attacker’s Range and Line of Sight.

EXAMPLE 19: Range and Line of Sight

You want Killian Vane III to attack Raakchott, Steward of Death.

1. First, you count the spaces from Killian Vane III to Raakchott, Steward of Death. Raakchott, Steward of Death is 4 spaces away, so they are just within Killian Vane III’s Range.

2. Then, you check for a clear Line of Sight from Killian Vane III’s Target Point to Raakchott, Steward of Death’s Hit Zone. Knight Irene is in the way, but Killian Vane III can still see part of Raakchott, Steward of Death’s Hit Zone, so he can attack.