
Game Setup


Here we describe the general setup for the base game with 4 players.

The following page describes the setup for the players.

Changes for playing with 2 or 3 players are indicated in italics.

Changes for the Expert variant are described in the Expert Rules category.

1. Place the game board in the center of the table, with this symbol in the upper right corner.

2. Each player takes a Garden tableau and places it in front of them, with this symbol in the lower right corner.

3. Each player chooses a color and takes all the wooden pieces of that color.

Place your 5 Animals in a general supply next to the game board.

Keep your remaining wooden pieces close at hand for now. More information in Personal Setup.

4. Sort the 16 Flower tiles by pattern. There are 8 spotted and 8 striped Flower tiles.

Make sure all Flower tiles have the light side facing up.

Now place the Flower tiles randomly on the matching spaces on the game board (spotted tiles in rows 1 and 2; striped tiles in rows 3 and 4). There should be no tiles left over.

5. Sort the Prize tokens by shape. The round ones are for the upper track on the game board, and the square ones are for the lower track.

Sort the Prize tokens into 2 stacks from highest to lowest value (highest on top) and place them next to the space on the right of their respective track.

3-player game: Return the highest value tile of each stack to the box.

2-player game: Return the 2 highest value tiles of each stack to the box.

Then take the top Prize token of each stack and place it on the space to its left.

6. Shuffle the 18 Garden cards and place them in a face-down pile next to the game board.

You won’t need the 12 Final Scoring cards for the base game, so return them to the box.

7. Sort the Plants by level (from I to IV) and place them next to the game board within easy reach of everyone.

Note: You can identify a Plant’s level by the tile’s color and shape. The illustration on the Plant tile has no impact on the game.

8. Place the Coins in a pile next to the game board to form the Bank.

Hint: We recommend putting approximately half of the Plants and half of the Coins on either side of the game board, to ensure that everyone can easily reach them.