


As you can see, your Animals are now spread throughout the Flower beds in your Garden.

By taking care of those Animals, you can unlock additional Flower beds and significant bonuses for the rest of the game.

When you choose the Animal action , take 1 Animal of your choice from your Garden and place it on its respective space.

Important: The Flower bed with the Animal on it does not have to be within range of your Gardener.

The tortoise’s space is on your Garden tableau; the spaces for all other Animals are on the game board.

Flower beds with Animals are not available for Planting until you have removed the Animal.

All Animal bonuses only count from the moment you unlock them. Not retroactively!

You use the Animal action to remove the Butterfly from its Flower bed and place it in its space on the game board.

Now you can plant in that Flower bed, and get all the bonuses for the Butterfly space.

Depending on which Animal you chose, you receive the following bonuses:


You immediately score 4 Victory Points. From now on, you score 4 Victory Points whenever you unlock another Animal, and an extra 4 Victory Points whenever you score a Prize token.


From now on, whenever one of your columns is completely filled with Plants, you immediately gain 6 Coins.

Reminder: Since you can never remove Plants, only replace them, you can only fill each column once.


From now on, you score extra Victory Points for each task you complete.

You score 2 extra Points for Basic tasks and 6 extra Points for Special tasks.


You unlock a new path. From now on, you can access an additional end space on the Money track. It rewards you with a 3-Point Prize token (if still available), as well as 1 level IV Plant and 1 level I Plant .

Players who have not unlocked the Frog cannot enter this space.


You immediately draw 3 Final Scoring cards and look at them. Keep 1 of them and return the other 2 to the bottom of the pile. You now have 2 Final Scoring cards.

Reminder: One of the Gardens gives its player 2 Final Scoring cards from the start, so that player would now have 3 Final Scoring cards.

You also draw 1 Garden card.