
The tasks represent the visitors coming to your botanical garden. They have very specific expectations of what they want to see, and they are only happy if you fulfill their wishes. But if you do, they’ll shower you with praise (and with Victory Points).

Each task shows the combination and number of specific Plants required to complete that task.

Each task is assigned to a row of Flower Beds.

To complete a task, that row must contain the Plants shown. The position of the Plants within the row doesn’t matter.

As soon as the requirements are met, you immediately score the Victory Points depicted. You can only complete each task once.

Every row of Flower beds is assigned 1 Basic task and 1 Special task.

For each row, you first have to complete the Basic task shown on your Garden tableau.

As soon as you do, cover it with the Special task next to it. From now on, that Special task is considered active and can be completed.

You can complete your active tasks in any order.

You can choose yourself which Special task is assigned to which row at the start of the game (see Getting Ready and Round One).

When you complete a Special task, flip it over.

Well done! Your work is done here. Now you can get to work on another task!

Special case: Sometimes, you will complete a task in between actions. In that case, first resolve the task before proceeding with the remaining actions. It is possible to complete multiple tasks during a single turn this way.

Example: You place a level II Plant . This completes the Basic task in this row. Score 7 Victory Points and cover the task with the Special task next to it.

On a later turn, you place a level III Plant in this row, completing the Special task. Score the Victory Points and flip it over.