
In-Depth Example Turn


It’s your turn.

You play this card and pay 2 Coins to water both of your level III Plants . You return them to the supply and place 2 level IV Plants in their places. This completes your Special task, so you immediately score 10 Victory Points.

You decide not to move your Gardener.

Next, you place your Flower on the third space from the top. First, you perform the action next to the tile and move your Gardener 2 steps. You choose not to use the 3rd free movement step.

Your other action is to move 1 step on the Shovel track. You pay 2 Coins to use the top path and place your Shovel on the last space of the track. This gives you 1 level II Plant , which you plant immediately.

This completes your Basic task, so you score 9 Victory Points.

You also take the Prize token from its space and score the 24 Victory Points. Finally, you move your Shovel back to the starting space and place a new Prize token from the top of the stack onto the now empty space. Then it’s the next player’s turn.