
Personal Setup


Shuffle the 20 Special tasks face down, then give 5 at random to each player.

Reveal the tasks and place them to the right of your Garden so that there is 1 Special task next to each row.

Don’t worry about the order of the tasks; you can still change it later (see Getting Ready and Round One).

Take Coins with a total value of 6 from the Bank.

Place your wooden pieces as follows:

Place 1 Gardener on the fountain in your garden. That is their starting position.

Place your Money Bag on the starting space of the Money track on the game board.

Place the Wheelbarrow on the starting space of the Wheelbarrow track.

Place the Shovel on the starting space of the Shovel track.

Place 1 Gardener on the “0” space on the Victory Points track.

You don’t need the third Gardener for the base game, so put it back in the box.

Place your Action Flower (or “Flower”, for short) on the starting space of the Actions area on the game board.

Form a stack of all the players’ Flowers. The icon in the lower right of your Garden indicates your Flower’s position in the stack.

3-player game: Ignore the Flower position of the 1 Garden not in play.

2-player game: Ignore the Flower positions of the 2 Gardens not in play. Then take 1 of the spare Flowers and place it on top of the stack, regardless of the order indicated. See also Turn Order.

In our setup, the red player has the Garden with the bottom position.

Then the green Flower is placed on top of it.

Then the yellow one.

You place your Flower at the top of the stack, as shown on your Garden.