
Frequently Asked Questions

In expert mode, do animal bonuses provide points for actions I have taken before gaining the animal?
All Animal bonuses only count from the moment you unlock them. Not retroactively!
Related Rule(s)
In expert mode, does the Animal I wish to take have to be within range of my Gardener?
Related Rule(s)
Can I split my actions between my 2 Gardeners in the expert mode?
You may split your movement, watering and planting actions between the your 2 Gardeners in any way you like - you don't have to perform the entire action with a single Gardener.
Related Rule(s)
Can the same player gain several Prize tokens from the same track in a single game?
You can receive multiple Prize tokens from the same track, but once the stack is empty, you can no longer receive Prize tokens from that track.
Can I play a Garden card on the same turn I have received it?
You can only play a Garden card at the start of your turn. This means you can never play a Garden card on the same turn you draw it.
Related Rule(s)
Do I gain Victory Points when I move my Gardener fewer spaces than I have received?
You can move your Gardener fewer spaces than you have gained, but you do not get any reward for wasted steps.
Related Rule(s)
Can I take actions in between moving my Gardener (when I have multiple movement points)?
You can never take other actions in the middle of movement. The Gardener’s move action must be completely resolved before you start your next action.
Related Rule(s)
If I gain multiple watering actions, can I split them between multiple Plants?
If you gain multiple Watering actions, you can split them between multiple Plants, or water the same Plant more than once. All of the watered plants must be within range of your Gardener.
Related Rule(s)
Can I replace a previously-placed Plant with a new one?
While you cannot normally remove a Plant you have previously placed, you can replace it (returning it to the supply) with another Plant you have just gained.
Related Rule(s)
Can I move or remove a Plant after I have planted it in my Garden?
Related Rule(s)
If I have zero money, can I move through the paths which cost money for free?
The Shovel track contains some paths that cost Coins. To use these paths, you have to pay the cost. If you can’t, then you cannot move there.
Related Rule(s)
If I reach the last space of a track and still have unused movement points, can I use them to move from the start of the track?
If you reach the last space of a track, you have to stop there. You still score 1 Victory Point per “wasted” step, as usual.
Related Rule(s)
Can I pay 3 coins to move on a track at any time I wish?
You can pay 3 coins only to INCREASE the number of spaces you move on a track. This means that you must gain the action to move on a track to do so - you cannot pay 3 coins and move on a track at any time you choose.
Related Rule(s)
When moving on a track, can I pay 3 coins to move an extra space multiple times?
Related Rule(s)
Can I move zero spaces on a track and then gain the actions shown on my current space?
You must move at least 1 space on a track in order to gain actions shown on a track.
Related Rule(s)
Can I move fewer spaces on a track than indicated?
Track symbols always have a number on them. When you gain one of these actions, the number indicates how many steps (maximum) you can take along the track shown. You can choose to move fewer spaces, scoring 1 Victory Point for each skipped space. However, you don't gain any actions on a track space if you choose to move zero spaces.
Related Rule(s)
Do I gain ALL of the actions I move through on a track?
Only where stopped
You always gain the actions of the space where you END your movement, never those on the spaces in between.
Related Rule(s)
Can I move onto a track space with another player's track token?
Yes, other players' pieces don't affect your pieces on the tracks in any way.
Related Rule(s)
Can I choose to move backwards on a track, instead of to the right?
Related Rule(s)
Can I choose to take a Plant of a lower level than indicated on my action?
You can only take the Plant of the level shown on the action space you have activated. However, you can refuse to take the Plant (or take only some of the shown Plants if several of them are shown).
Related Rule(s)
Can I spend Coins to move further during my last turn in Stage 3?
Can I move my Gardener and play a Garden card during my final turn?
Taking the last action in Stage 3 is considered to be a normal turn. This means that you can still start your turn by moving your Gardener and/or playing 1 Garden card.
If I have 2 Plants of the highest level in a completely filled column, how many times do I score this column?
Still once
You only score each completely filled column once, no matter how many Plants of the highest level you have there.
I have a Special task with 4 Plants in a row with only 3 Flower beds. Is it possible to complete this task?
Some tasks require 4 Plants in a single row. That won’t be possible in some rows. You should not position your Special tasks in this way.
Which Flower goes 1st: the one on a higher Flower space or the one stacked on another flower but in a lower Flower space?
Higher space
The turn order is determined by the position of the Flower space first, and only then by the order they are stacked.
Related Rule(s)
When I place my Flower on a space with another player's Flower, do I need to pay 3 money to this player or to the Bank?
To the Bank
In which order do I perform actions, when I gain multiple actions at the same time for placing my action flower or for moving on a track?
When you need to perform several actions, you can always choose the order to perform them. For example, if you gain a watering action and a Level I plant, you may first place the plant and then water it (essentially, gaining a Level II plant).
How many times can I move my gardener during each turn?
You can move your Gardener any number of spaces, but each step costs 1 Coin.
Can I play a garden card before moving my gardener during the 1st phase of my turn?
Can I complete multiple tasks in a single turn?
Related Rule(s)
Can I complete a Special task before completing the Basic task in the same row?
A Special task is considered active and can be completed only after you have completed the Basic task in the same row.
Related Rule(s)
Do I have to complete my tasks from top to bottom?
You can complete your active tasks in any order.
Related Rule(s)
Do plants in a row have to be in the specific order, shown on the task, to complete it?
To complete a task, that row must contain the Plants shown on it. The position of the Plants within the row doesn’t matter.
Related Rule(s)
Can I complete the same task multiple times?
You can only complete each task once.
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