
Stage 1: Getting Ready and Round One


A game of Botanicus has 3 stages. There is a reminder in the bottom left of the game board.

First, assign the 5 Special tasks you received during game setup to your Basic tasks. Place the Special tasks next to your Garden so that each Special task is clearly matched with 1 Basic task.

You can find out more about tasks in Tasks.

Reminder: You can only complete a Special task once you have completed the Basic task for that row. Try looking for similarities when assigning your Special tasks.

Note: Some tasks require 4 Plants in a single row. That won’t be possible in some rows.

Then you begin Round One by taking your turns as described in the Turns category. Once all your Flowers have reached the final column, Round One ends.

Then stack all the Flowers (maintaining their current order) and return them to the starting space.

Stack the Flowers on the starting space in the same order.