


The game board has 3 tracks: Money, Wheelbarrow, and Shovel. Those are the main actions.

These symbols always have a number on them. When you gain one of these actions, the number indicates how many steps (maximum) you can take along the track shown.

You always move your piece to the right along the track indicated. Sometimes you can choose between different paths, but you can never move backwards.

You always gain all the actions of the space where you end your movement, never those on the spaces in between. It doesn’t matter whether the space is also occupied by another player’s piece.

If the space shows more than 1 action, you can choose the order in which you resolve them.

You must always move your piece at least 1 space in order to gain the actions of a space.

The Shovel track contains some paths that cost Coins. To use these paths, you have to pay the cost. If you can’t, then you cannot move there.

You can take 2 steps along the Shovel track. For the second step, you have to pay a cost of 2 Coins to the Bank, as shown on the path. After that, you take 2 level I Plants . If you can’t pay the cost, you can instead take just 1 step (or maybe choose a different action altogether with your Flower).

If you want to move further than indicated by the action, you can buy additional steps. Each additional step will cost you 3 Coins. A reminder is printed on the game board.

Note: Costs printed on the paths obviously still apply in addition to the cost for additional steps.

You can also move fewer steps than indicated. For each step “wasted” like this, you immediately score 1 Victory Point.

You may take 1 step along the Money track.

You pay 3 Coins for 1 additional step, giving you a total of 2 steps.

You choose the lower path and gain 2 Coins and 1 Garden card.

If you reach the last space of a track, you have to stop there. You still score 1 Victory Point per “wasted” step, as usual.

After gaining the action depicted on the space (i.e. after finishing your action), move your piece back to the starting space of the respective track. The next time you move along this track, you’ll be starting from the beginning again.

Note: The last space of the Money and Shovel tracks give you a Prize token as a reward (see Victory Points and Prize Tokens).

You can take 3 steps along the Wheelbarrow track. After 2 steps, you’ve already reached the last space and have to stop. As usual, you score the 7 Victory Points depicted, plus 1 additional Point for the wasted step. Then you perform the Watering action twice. Finally, you move your Wheelbarrow back to the track’s starting space. Then it’s the next player’s turn.
