
Stage 3: Last Action and Final Scoring


Now all players (in order) take 1 final turn, taking 1 action on 1 of the 3 tracks.

Important: This is a normal turn. You can still start your turn by moving your Gardener and/or playing 1 Garden card. You can also spend Coins to move more than 1 step on the track (more on that in Tracks).

Now you’ve reached the end of the game and it’s time for final scoring. Starting with the player with the fewest Victory Points, each player scores the columns of their Garden.

You score points for each column that is completely filled with Plants.

Only count columns in which every Flower bed contains a Plant. In those columns, look for the highest level Plant and score it.

Your Garden tableau will tell you how many points you score for it. You only score each column once, no matter how many Plants of the highest level you have there.

Example: A column filled entirely with level III plants scores the same amount as a column with 1 level III Plant and the rest at level I.

You have completely filled 2 out of your 4 columns with Plants.

In the leftmost column, the highest Plant is level III , so you score 9 Points.

For the other column, you score 15 Points since you have a level IV Plant . So in total, you score 24 Points.

Finally, score 1 Victory Point for every 3 Coins you have.

After final scoring, whoever has the most Victory Points is the winner. In the case of a tie, victory is awarded to the player whose Flower is higher up in the stack (or whoever is first to name 4 plants by their Latin name). Congratulations!