
Changes to Game Setup


1. Place the game board in the center of the table, with this symbol showing in the upper right corner.

2. Shuffle the 12 Final Scoring cards and place them next to the game board in a face-down pile.

3. Each player takes a Garden tableau and places it in front of them with this symbol in the lower right corner.

In the Expert variant, each Garden is different. You can either choose a Garden or deal them out at random.

Be sure to try them all!

4. Your Gardener now has 3 different starting positions to choose from. Choose 1 at random and place your Gardener there (you can still change your mind later). Place your second Gardener next to your Garden.

Note: Place 1 Gardener on the Victory Points track, as usual.

5. Instead of placing your Animals next to the game board, place them directly on the Flower beds as indicated in your Garden.

Note: The placement of the Animals is different for each Garden.