
Pole Position


If you’re the first player to place your Flower in this space, you gain 3 Coins. As usual, if the space is already occupied, you can still place your Flower here, but you don’t get the 3 Coins.

The action next to it means you never have to pay to place your Flower here, regardless of whether there are already any Flowers in this space.

Hint: You can use this space if you’re out of Coins and can’t (or don’t want to) perform any of the other actions, or if you want to increase your chance of going first in the next column.

Yellow has already placed their Flower on the top space and gained 3 Coins for it.

Since you want to make sure you go first in the next column, you also place your Flower on top of Yellow. You don’t get anything for it, but don’t have to pay anything either.